Childcare options for school children

Find out about breakfast, after school and holiday clubs and where to access them.

Out of school clubs, breakfast clubs and after school

Out of school clubs provide childcare, food, activities and opportunities for children to socialise.

They can be:

  • before the school day and these are often called breakfast clubs
  • after the school day
  • during the school holidays.

Out of school clubs:

  • are helpful for parents as they can use the extra time to focus on other priorities
  • may be based within the school or another venue
  • may be free to access or have a cost attached.

If an out of school club looks after children under 8 years old and is open for more than 2 hours a day, it is likely they will be registered with the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted). Ofsted is a government department that inspects and regulates institutions in England providing education, or care for children and young people. You can search for a childcare provider and view their inspection reports on the Ofsted website.

Breakfast clubs:

  • provide a meal in the morning
  • provide opportunities to play
  • typically start an hour before the start of the school day.

After school clubs:

  • may offer a meal or snacks
  • may include a homework club
  • offer a variety of activities such as dance or sport
  • are typically open until 6pm.

Find schools that offer breakfast and after school clubs

For information on schools in Hammersmith and Fulham (H&F) that offer breakfast and after school clubs see H&F Starting school brochure.

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You can also ask the school directly. See School contact details

Holiday activities and food programme

The Holiday activities and food programme (HAF) offers a variety of FREE activities and meals for children and young people aged between 5 and 16, living in H&F.

Funded by the Department for Education, and delivered by our partner organisations, the HAF programme is designed to support families of children who receive benefits-related Free School Meals. There are however several spaces available for those who are not in receipt of this.

See Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Harrow Youth Club: After school and school holiday sessions

The Harrow Club run youth sessions, that provide a safe space for young people to engage in sports, activities, and personal development programmes.

Sessions take place in the following venues:

  • Sands End Adventure Playground, Marinefield Road, SW6 2LL
  • Tudor Rose Community Centre, Fulham Court, SW6 5PG
  • White City Adventure Café, Canada Way, W12 7DE
  • Old Oak Community Centre, 76 Braybrook Street, W12 0AP

There are 2 groups:

  • Juniors: for young people aged 8 to 11
  • Seniors: for young people aged 12 to 19 (up to 24 with a disability)

Harrow Youth Club also provide school holiday programmes, which include trips in and outside of London.

For more information email or call 020 8969 2528

You can also visit The Harrow Club website

Action on Disability's youth service: After school and school holiday sessions

Action on Disability's (AOD) youth service offers a wide range of FREE, fun and accessible opportunities for young disabled people aged 11 to 25.

AOD youth service:

  • is available during school term time and holiday period
  • is open to H&F residents and those who access education within H&F
  • is a members service, so young people will need to sign up with AOD to access the activities and clubs on offer.

For more information email or call 020 3080 0383

See Youth Services on the Action On Disability website

Help with childcare costs

Parents with children under 16 years old, may be able to get help paying for out of school clubs.

Tax-Free Childcare is available to working parents. If eligible, parents can get up to £2,000 per year for children under 11 years old, or £4,000 per year for children under 16 years old with disabilities.

See Tax-Free Childcare on GOV.UK.

Working parents who get Universal Credit, will not be able to get Tax-Free Childcare. Instead, they may be eligible for Universal Credit childcare costs where they could save up to 85% of their childcare costs for children under 16 years old.

See Universal Credit childcare costs on GOV.UK.

Parents with children under 5 years old, can get Tax Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare Costs on top of 15 or 30 hours funding if they are eligible for it.

See Help with childcare costs

Wraparound care: What this is and how it can help you

Wraparound childcare is before and after school care for children in primary school to access during term time.

The government is expanding wraparound care for primary school children by increasing the number of places available, to support working families.

See Wraparound childcare: Everything you need to know about before and after school childcare on GOV.UK

Safeguarding arrangements for activity clubs

For a parent and carer's guide on the safeguarding arrangements you should expect from activity clubs see Using after school clubs, tuition and community activities on GOV.UK

Contact details

We are currently developing our childcare directory. If you need help to find Ofsted registered out of school clubs in H&F, contact the Family Information Service by email

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