What is a PEP?
All Children Looked After (CLA) must have a PEP (Personal Education Plan) every school or college term. PEPs are statutory and are aimed at providing an evolving working plan/record of what needs to happen for Children Looked After to make progress and fulfil their potential. Targets set at each PEP are reviewed each term to make sure that progress is being made.
When do they take place?
Every Child Looked After needs to have a PEP for every school term. A PEP meeting must take place within 10 working days of a child becoming Looked After. The professional team around the child need to make sure that a date for the PEP is arranged within this timescale, to ensure vital support is put in place efficiently.
Who needs to attend?
The Child Looked After's Virtual School Teacher, the child or young person (if they are not too young to do so), Social Worker, Carer, the school's Designated Teacher for CLA and any other relevant professionals, if appropriate.
Who chairs a PEP meeting?
At Hammersmith & Fulham Virtual School, the child or young person's Virtual School Teacher chairs all PEP meetings.
Who writes the PEP report?
The Virtual School Teacher writes the PEP report (within 20 working days of the PEP being held) based on what was discussed and agreed at the PEP meeting. This is then circulated to the team around the child and to all those in attendance at the PEP meeting.