Give back to your local community

We can provide an array of philanthropic opportunities which support positive brand image and reputation and help your business feel part of the local community.

We host a diverse range of major events including London’s largest Laser Light Show in 2023 and the Big H&F Christmas Day Lunch which provide corporate sponsorship opportunities to raise your profile in the local community.

See our full range of events.

There are also opportunities to hold your own events in our parks and open spaces.

To take up these opportunities, contact

Unable to use your apprenticeship levy (GOV.UK)? Donate it to us.

We can re-allocate it to local small businesses to upskill their staff or take on more budding recruits.


Staff volunteering opportunities

Get your staff involved in building a Tiny Forest to help protect against flooding and provide shelter for animals and insects.

Read our case study to find out how Hammersmith Park was transformed by the addition of 600 trees and shrubs.or by cleaning up their local environment with a litter pick.

You can support local charities through the On Hand app.

You can donate unwanted furniture to be upcycled at Petit Miracles to reduce waste.

Small actions can make a huge difference to drive positive change against the climate crisis.

The Nourish Hub is a community cafe/kitchen based in White City which provides healthy plant-based meals on a pay what you can basis. The hub relies on volunteers and is happy to accept corporate volunteering days.

Offer young carers a day out

We have a cohort of around forty young carers whose childhoods are affected by caring responsibilities. You could give them much needed respite by providing a day out or an experience.


Work with a local school

We can connect you to schools in your local area to develop staff coaching and mentoring opportunities and visits to your business premises.  


Be part of our Reveal events

Our education team hold regular events that bring together schools and businesses with the aim of raising aspirations and widening career pathways.

To get involved contact:


Read a testimonial from Anthony Brown, Creative Diversity Partner, BBC Studios

We are passionate about community engagement and want to develop our future workforce, which we believe should start locally.

We recognise that work experience is key to raising awareness and an affinity to our business as well as being a crucial component to CV building.

Therefore, we are keen to grow our partnerships with local education institutions.

Read a testimonial from a local school student

I really loved learning about different jobs and experiencing an amazing workshop where I learned that anything can happen if you set your mind to it.

I loved getting to look at people’s amazing lives and jobs and would love to do this again.

Co-deliver Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, Medicine (STEMMM) training

We have opportunities to co-design, co-develop and co-deliver adult skills STEMMM programmes to help support the aspirations of more marginalised H&F adult residents.


Take part in British Science Week

British Science Week runs from 14 to 23 March 2025.

To raise awareness of the range of jobs available in the science field, we’re asking businesses to send promotional videos to show in schools during the campaign.

Watch an example video on YouTube.


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