A blog of two halves

Hammersmith & Fulham is home to 3 major football clubs: Chelsea, Fulham and Queens Park Rangers. Follow the ups and downs of the clubs as told by local fans.

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Nailing colours to the mast

Tim Harrison

The Blues may have lost last weekend’s Community Shield against Arsenal on penalties, but they’re a nailed-on, sure-fire, 100 per cent certainty to lift the Premier League title.
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Is a change really as good as a rest?

Dan Levene

This was always going to be a closed-season of major change at Stamford Bridge with changes working their way through all levels of the club.

Chelsea Ladies are champions too

Tim Harrison

In all the ballyhoo and euphoria about Tony Conte’s Blues winning the league in his first season, Chelsea Ladies risk being overlooked.
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Water fight rounds off the season

Tim Harrison

Most of Chelsea’s unused substitutes, assistant managers and medics missed Michy Batshuayi’s quickfire double which rounded off the Blues’ final league game of the season.

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