Construction logistic plans

Where significant development is taking place in the borough we require developers to produce a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP).

What is a CLP?

A CLP is a document which addresses all transport and highway issues associated with the construction of a development.

This can incorporate any demolition works involved, although this can be supported by a separate Demolition Logistics Plan (DLP).

The document is a live document and can be updated throughout the life of the project. The requirement for a CLP is normally a condition of the planning approval for the site and needs to be agreed before any significant works are carried out.

If the developer chooses to implement the planning approval without discharging this condition this could result in us taking enforcement action against the developer.

Why does a developer need a CLP?

Developers are required to set out in the CLP how they propose to address the impact of the proposed site operations associated with the works. This will also include the cumulative impacts of other nearby construction sites where applicable.

The level of detail required in the plan will be dependent upon the size and complexity of the site. The CLP follows the best practice guidelines set out in TfL's Construction and Logistics Planning Guidance.

Draft CLPs are required at the planning application stage and are consulted on with the rest of the supporting documents.

Can a CLP be ignored?

No, the developer is required to adhere to the CLP at all times, unless otherwise agreed with us.

The CLP does not override the requirement for the developer to obtain separate consents for things like hoarding licences or road closures. These are managed through a separate process within the Network Management Team.

See highways licensing.

What happens if a CLP is not followed?

If the developer fails to adhere to the requirements of the CLP we may be able to take enforcement action. However, our enforcement powers are limited so instead we will look to engage with the developers and seek their co-operation in addressing the issues.

In terms of what we can enforce the planning department is able to take action where development has taken place without planning permission, or where work is carried out without complying with conditions that have been attached to the planning permission.

The transport and highways team can take action on any hoardings, skips and scaffolding that have been placed on the public highway without prior permission. They can also hold the developer accountable for any damage caused to the highway as a result of their operations and also enforce parking contraventions.

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