School bookings

Information for schools about priority booking arrangements for sports facilities.

During school term times, schools are able to take advantage of priority bookings between 9am and 5pm on weekdays.

Schools wishing to take advantage of this must submit their booking requests to us.

Once the cut-off date for each term has passed, we will begin allocating the space available at each site. There is extremely high demand for some facilities, so submitting a booking request before the cut-off date does NOT guarantee that you will be allocated the dates and times you have requested.

Please be aware that we will not allocate space during the priority period more than one term in advance and we will not issue confirmation of bookings before the dates listed below.

Booking dates

Bookings for school summer term 2025
Open for booking.

Book now

Bookings for school autumn term 2025
Requests can be submitted from 23 June to 25 July 2025.

Bookings for school spring term 2026
Requests can be submitted from 2 February to 27 March 2026.

School sports days

School sports days taking place during the summer term require a specific application form.

Please see our school sports days page for further information and application forms.

After booking confirmations have been issued, all priority for that term is removed, and anyone can book any of the remaining space on a first-come, first-served basis.

Contact details

Please contact us if you have any queries.

020 8748 3020

Opening hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).

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