Old Oak Common

Advice on the redevelopment of Old Oak Common in Hammersmith and Fulham.

For the latest updates on HS2 and Wormwood Scrubs please see Wormwood Scrubs and HS2

Swathes of industrial and railway land in one of London’s poorest areas will be transformed after Old Oak Common was confirmed as southern England’s main high-speed hub rail station.

The new station could act as a catalyst to create thousands of new homes and jobs in one of the capital’s most deprived neighbourhoods after the Transport Secretary signalled the go-ahead for the £50billion rapid rail link between London and the north of England. Known as HS2, a new generation of high-speed trains – running at speeds of up to 225mph – will stop at a major new interchange station just north of Wormwood Scrubs before terminating at Euston.

Regeneration of Old Oak Common

There are proposals to regenerate the area of industrial and railway land between Old Oak Common Lane, Wormwood Scrubs, Scrubs Lane and Willesden Junction linked to the new HS2/Elizabeth Line (Crossrail) station. The regeneration proposals extend into the London Boroughs of Ealing and Brent.

High Speed 2 (HS2)

HS2 Ltd has submitted a Bill to Parliament for Phase 1 of the proposed HS2 line between London and Birmingham. These proposals include a HS2 station at Old Oak Common by 2028 as well as transport connections to Elizabeth Line (Crossrail) and the Great Western Main Line. The HS2 proposals provide a unique opportunity to regenerate the area north of Wormwood Scrubs which has the potential to provide up to 26,500 new homes and up to 55,000 jobs.

The HS2 Bill received royal Assent on 23 February 2017. Read more about the HS2 Bill on GOV.UK.

HS2 in Old Oak

Find out more about what HS2 are doing in Old Oak, including notifications of upcoming works; works to deliver the HS2 Old Oak Common Station, associated enabling works such as re-routing Stamford Brook Sewer and their community engagement events at https://hs2inoldoak.commonplace.is/

Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC)

The GLA set up a Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) on 1 April 2015 to oversee and co-ordinate the delivery of the regeneration of Old Oak Common and capitalise on the connections that HS2/Elizabeth Line (Crossrail) station. The name of the MDC is ‘Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation’ (OPDC)

The OPDC took over planning powers on 1 April 2015 and will lead on preparing a Local Plan and determining large planning applications for the MDC area, including land within Hammersmith & Fulham. Read more about the OPDC

The council’s role - Whilst the OPDC is the planning authority for the OPDC area the council remains responsible for day to day services such as waste collection, street cleansing, highways maintenance etc.

OPDC Draft Local Plan

OPDC is the local planning authority for Old Oak and Park Royal. Part of their responsibilities includes the production of a Local Plan for these areas.

The Local Plan sets the vision and framework for how the OPDC will develop over time. The Local Plan, along with the London Plan and any Neighbourhood Plans, forms the overall 'development plan' for the OPDC area.

OPDC Local Plan for Old Oak and Park Royal must be in general conformity with the Mayor’s London Plan and must be consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (pdf) and National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG).

Any queries regarding the OPDC’s Local Plan should be directed to the OPDC See ODPC contact details.

OPDC planning applications

As the Local Planning Authority, OPDC is responsible for all planning functions and decisions on planning applications for its area.

If you are interested in finding out more about current planning applications, you can visit the OPDC’s consultation page.

Pre-application advice

If you intend to make a planning application within the OPDC boundary area, we encourage you to seek pre-application advice, particularly if your scheme is large or raises complex planning issues. OPDC do not currently charge for pre-application advice and is operating the following interim arrangements until further notice.

To request pre-application advice, email or write to the OPDC.


Development Management
Old Oak & Park Royal Development Corporation
Post Point 5A
City Hall
The Queen’s Walk
London SE1 2AA

Contact ODPC

OPDC can be contacted in a number of ways, including:.

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