Brownfield register

Through the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017, Local Planning Authorities in England are required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed (brownfield) land which is suitable for housing by 31 December 2017. Regulation 17 requires authorities to review their registers at least once a year.

Through the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017, Local Planning Authorities in England are required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed (brownfield) land which is suitable for housing. Regulation 17 requires authorities to review their registers at least once a year.

The Hammersmith & Fulham brownfield register and site maps can be downloaded below. As required by the regulations, the brownfield register is provided in Excel and PDF format and populated in accordance with the government's published open data standard (pdf). If you need the information in a CSV file instead, please contact us at

Registers must be prepared in accordance with statutory procedures and should be kept in two parts. Part 1 will include a list of brownfield sites appropriate for residential development and Part 2 (optional) should include those sites that will be granted permission in principle for housing.

Further details about Brownfield Land Registers and Permission in Principle can be found on the Department for Communities and Local Government's website.

Brownfield Land Register: Part 1

The council has prepared a list of sites to be published in Part 1 of the brownfield land register. Sites have been included on the brownfield land register where they meet the following criteria.

The land:

  • has an area of at least 0.25ha or is capable of supporting at least five dwellings
  • is suitable, available and achievable for residential development.

The brownfield land register includes sites in Part 1 which have unimplemented planning permission and are site allocations in the council's Local Plan.

Brownfield Land Register: Part 2

Part 2 of the brownfield land register can include sites that have been granted permission in principle. At this stage, no sites have been granted permission in principle and therefore no sites are included on Part 2 of the brownfield land register.

Hammersmith & Fulham's Brownfield Register also forms part of the London-wide Brownfield Register which is being coordinated by the Greater London Authority.

Check the Greater London Authority map.

Brownfield Register Maps

LBHF001 - Carnwath Road Industrial Estate (pdf 71KB)

LBHF002 - Albert Wharf, Swedish and Comleys Wharf (pdf 77KB)

LBHF003 - Former Dairy Crest Site (pdf 124KB)

LBHF004 - Five Star Carwash and MOT garages (pdf 102KB)

LBHF005 - 95 Goldhawk Road (pdf 99KB)

LBHF006 - 103-105 Lillie Road (pdf 98KB)

LBHF007 - 21 Effie Road (pdf 100KB)

LBHF008 - Land adjacent to Jepson House (pdf 103KB)

LBHF009 - 181-187 King Street (pdf 101KB)

LBHF010 - 26 Sulivan Road and 92-116 Carnwath Road (pdf 73KB)

LBHF011 - Watermeadow Court (pdf 94KB)

LBHF012 - Hurlingham Retail Park (pdf 870KB)

LBHF013 - 111-115 Wandsworth Bridge Road (pdf 106KB)

LBHF014 - 5-17 Michael Road (pdf 105KB)

LBHF015 - Land Bounded By Fulham Gasworks And Railway Line (Chelsea Creek) (pdf 79KB)

LBHF016 - Centre House 56 Wood Lane (pdf 149KB)

LBHF017 - Fulham North Area Housing Office Clem Attlee Court Lillie Road (pdf 114KB)

LBHF018 - Sotheron Place (pdf 102KB)

LBHF019 - Imperial College, 80 Wood Lane (pdf 127KB)

LBHF020 - 50 Brook Green (pdf 93KB)

LBHF021 - Kings Mall Car Park (pdf 155KB)

LBHF022 - M&S White City site (pdf 115KB)

LBHF023 - Hartopp and Lannoy site, Pellant Road (pdf 105KB)

LBHF 025 - 11 Farm Lane London SW6 1PU (pdf 113KB)

LBHF 026 - Fulham Gasworks Imperial Road London SW6 2AD (pdf 128KB)

LBHF 027 - Fulham Gasworks Imperial Road London SW6 2AD (pdf 128KB)

LBHF 028 - Ada Lewis House 2 Palliser Road London W14 9EF (82KB)

LBHF 029 - Fulham Gas Works Imperial Road London (pdf 128KB)

LBHF 030 - M&S White City Site 54 Wood Lane London W12 7RQ (pdf 131KB)

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