What is the policy?
We have a telephone system that allows us to record conversations for all of the following service's contact numbers.
Out of hours 020 8748 8588
Day time:
- Switchboard 020 8748 3020
- Cleaner Greener 020 8753 1100
- Electoral Services 020 8753 4466
- Environmental Services 020 8753 1081
- Registrars 020 8753 2140
- Family Information Service 020 8753 2450
- Resident Services 020 8753 6681
- Leaseholders 020 8753 4500
- Parking 020 7371 5678
- Rent Income 020 8753 6032
- Resident Experience Team 020 8753 2456
- Adult Social Care 0800 145 6095 (Freephone)
- Housing Advice 020 8753 4321
- Careline 020 8741 2403/4008
- Homebuy 020 8753 6164
- CSD Reablement 020 8753 6613
- Housing Repairs 0800 023 4499
Calls will be recorded and stored within the council's call recording system with restricted access via an authorized manager.
Like many other organisations, this is standard practice that allows the recording of telephone calls for quality monitoring and security purposes. We record all calls to the contact centre and we only use these recordings for the purposes specified in the policy.
We do not record conversations for any directly dialed calls to individual council extension numbers.
Fair processing notice
Telephone calls are recorded to ensure that calls are being handled correctly and provide a tool to capture any training information. However, in addition, calls are recorded for;
To quality manage the performance of advisors (all advisors are made aware of this on induction), to clarify the content of particular conversations and the quality of service information provided
Customer demand analysis
To measure and improve the quality of the customer experience
Customer conduct
We will not tolerate abusive language or behaviour either by or to our members of staff. All staff have the right to work without fear or verbal or physical abuse. In order to maintain high standards and protect staff we record all telephone calls to the contact centre. This will also include collecting evidence to seek injunctions against abusive customers and in assessing the seriousness of threats
Complaints and investigations
To provide evidence in the resolution of complaints/ombudsman investigations
Staff and data processors
The information you give us will be used by our staff and third parties who provide council services on our behalf
Developing and testing business applications
We may use the information you give us to maintain and improve the services which we deliver, this includes developing and upgrading the systems which we use to process your information.
Corporate business intelligence
We may share the information you give us with other council services for research and analysis purposes, to help us design the services we provide and to identify and contact residents who may benefit from them.
Prevention and detection of fraud
We may share and compare your information with other council services and other organisations to make sure the information is accurate, to protect public funds, recover debt and/or prevent or detect fraud. These other organisations include government departments, other local authorities and private sector organisations such as banks or organisations that lend money.
Legal requirements
We will use all information held by us for the purposes of law enforcement, regulation and licensing, criminal prosecutions and court proceedings.
All personal information will be processed and retained in accordance with the General Data Protection Act 2018 and Data Protection Act 2018.
Why do we need a policy?
The policy ensures that the use of telephone recordings is fair and lawful. The relevant legislation includes:
- The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
- The Telecommunications (Interception of Communications Regulations)
- The Telecommunications (Data Protection and Privacy) Regulations
- The Data Protection Act 2018
- The Human Rights Act
How will it affect me?
If you make a call to the contact centres (day time or out of hours), resident services, rent income, h&f advice housing, housing repairs, leaseholders, Homebuy, InTouch, h&f advice adult services, CSD reablement, Careline or parking services your call is recorded.
Under normal circumstances it will not be retrieved or monitored, unless it is necessary to investigate a complaint, there is a threat to the health and safety of staff or visitors or for the prevention or detection of crime.
If it is a particularly good example of how to handle a call, it may be used for training. However, this will only be permitted if the recording is edited so that the caller remains anonymous and the member of staff who was party to the call agrees to its being used in this way.
When did this policy come into effect?
The policy came into effect in July 2013.