SHINE one stop referral hub

Warm and healthy homes for London

One stop referral hub

SHINE are a team of professional energy advisors working with vulnerable people across London, providing advice and practical support to help people heat their homes adequately while reducing their energy costs. They help with utility debts, support people access grants and discounts in relation to utilities, advise people on ways of saving energy or switching for better tariffs. SHINE have a team of Energy Doctors who can visit people at home, install energy saving measures and help people use their heating systems efficiently.

They have direct referral arrangements with a wide network of social providers such as benefit maximisation teams, home security checks, fire safety checks, support for people in private sector housing, Handy person service where locally available,  and a host of other services.

SHINE is open to any London household struggling to heat their home.

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SHINE one stop referral hub
Other Phone numbers
020 7527 2001

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