Saudi British Society

The Society is a social, cultural, non-political and non-commercial organisation. It aims to bring together British citizens who have an interest in Saudi Arabia (whether professional, commercial, cultural or otherwise) and Saudi Arabian citizens who are resident in, visitors to or interested in the UK. It aims also to provide a medium through which hospitality may be offered to Saudi Arabians visiting or living in the UK. The Society has a President who is always the Saudi Arabian Ambassador in London and an elected Committee. There are ordinary, corporate and student members.

The Society is self-financing through subscriptions from members and donations. Since 1986 the Society's activities have included receptions for important visitors, dinners, exhibitions, lectures and book launches. Every year the Annual Dinner is combined with the presentation of the Rawabi Holding awards, generously donated by Saudi businessman, Mr. Abdulaziz al Turki, to two British citizens who have made significant contributions to promoting Saudi-British relations.

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Saudi British Society, 17 GOUGH SQUARE, LONDON
United Kingdom


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