Salvation Army Human Trafficking

The Salvation Army manages support services for adult female and male victims of human trafficking, after being awarded the contract by the Government in 2011.

Human trafficking is a worldwide, ever-growing criminal activity and one of the most aggressive and inhumane methods of exploitation. It exists in our own, comfortable, local communities here in the UK. Everyone should be alert for the signs that someone you come across living nearby or working perhaps in a shop, on a farm or a building site, is not there of their own free will. They could look underfed, perhaps unwell or injured; frightened; not communicating; live in overcrowded housing.

The Salvation Army have designed a specialist support programme to preserve the dignity of victims, protect and care for them in safe accommodation, and provide access to confidential client-based support services including:

  •  Legal Advice
  •  Health Care
  •  Counselling
  •  Educational Opportunities

Please call their 24-hour confidential Referral Helpline on

0300 3038151

available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, if:

  • You consider yourself to be a victim of trafficking and are in need of assistance, or
  • You are a nominated First Responder, or simply a concerned individual, who comes into contact with some-one you suspect may be a victim of trafficking and in need of assistance.

It is entirely up to each individual to decide whether they would like to have their support.  People can have access to accommodation in one of their safe houses if this is the best option for them or, if they already have accommodation, or have entitlements to other types of accommodation, they can benefit from outreach support.

If someone does decide they would like to take advantage of their support then The Salvation Army will speak to the victim to make an assessment to decide what type of support will best meet their needs.

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Salvation Army
Other Phone numbers
0300 3038151

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