Richmond Fellowship

Richmond Fellowship provides a range of mental health support services

Residential care homes and 24hr supported housing schemes provide round the clock support for individuals in safe, recovery focussed environments, often as a step down from a stay in hospital or as an alternative to being admitted to hospital. 

Richmond Fellowship's crisis services provide short term, community-based interventions for people to re-establish control over their situation and to develop coping strategies to prevent relapses.

Employment support services help people return to paid employment, voluntary work or training and to stay in work.

They provide supported housing as a registered social landlord with staff available to help people develop their independent living skills. The floating support services provide similar help in people’s own homes, supporting individuals to manage their tenancies, maintain domestic routines and play an active part in their community.

Richmond Fellowship provides community-based support on a group or individual basis to help people access social networks and peer support, and engage in everyday mainstream opportunities. A lot of their schemes now feature peer support as a core element.

See also

Hammersmith and Fulham Employment and wellbeing service

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Richmond Fellowship
Other Phone numbers
020 7697 3300

80 Holloway Road, London
N7 8JG
United Kingdom

Opening times

9am - 5pm Monday - Friday


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Nearest bus
St Mary Magdelene church
Nearest rail or tube
Higbury & Islington

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