Resonate Arts

Resonate Arts produces a pioneering programme of creative activities and experiences for and with people living with dementia in the boroughs of Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea.

Our programme of activities range from group sessions in community settings and online, to individual visits with people living in their own homes who are at risk of experiencing loneliness and isolation. We work across all art forms including music, visual arts, poetry, dance and theatre. Activities are designed to enhance and compliment individual care plans, and help people connect to their wider community.

We offer our volunteer Creative Befrienders programme, community projects, workshops and events and our monthly Resonate Now letter.

Resonate Arts...

  • work in partnership with a wide variety of professional artists and arts organisations to facilitate our projects, events and sessions in the community
  • offer dementia awareness workshops and training to staff, artists and volunteers within local organisations
  • regularly exhibit artwork created during projects, contribute to magazines and speak about our work at conferences and events
  • offer listings and events during Dementia Awareness Week and Creativity and Wellbeing Week
  • support the Dementia Action Alliances in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea.
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