Notre Dame Refugee Centre

Notre Dame Refugee Centre is an independent charity in the heart of London’s West End. They specialise in support for French-speaking asylum seekers and refugees but our doors are open to all.

Their Aim
To work with asylum seekers and refugees so that they can play a full role in society and achieve a better quality of life.
How They Help
Their staff and volunteers welcome visitors and offer advice on:

  • Asylum and immigration
  • Housing
  • Benefits and social services
  • Debt and managing money
  • Translation and interpreting
  • Administrative problems

They also offer English language support on a Drop In basis, basic literacy ESOL (English as a second language) classes and a counselling service

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Notre Dame Refugee Centre
Other Phone numbers
0207 440 2668

Notre Dame Refugee Centre, 16 LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON
United Kingdom

Opening times

The Immigration Advice Line is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:30am-1:30pm


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Leicester Square
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Leicester Square

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