North Thames Regional Environmental Control Equipment Service (NTRECES)

NTRECES provides electronic equipment so individuals with significant physical disabilities can control appliances within their own homes and call for help. The service is funded by NHS England Specialised Commissioning. The new national service specification includes help with access to computers and smart devices.

The team is based on the Alderbourne Rehabilitation Unit but covers the whole of the North London.

What is an Environmental Control System?

This is electronic equipment which enables remote control of appliances at home by an easy access controller for those with very limited hand or other functional movement, where standard controls are not suitable.  This may arise from a medical condition such as Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Cord Injury, Cerebral Palsy or severe Arthritis.

Environmental control functions can include;

  • Call for carer assistance or emergency help
  • Door entry intercom and access
  • Loudspeaking hands-free telephone
  • Television, DVD and other media devices
  • Lighting and ‘plug-in’ electrical appliances
  • Computer control and special access methods

What are the benefits?

To increase independence for the user and allow them to remain at home unattended, confident that it is secure and help can be contacted if needed. It can enhance quality of life within the home setting, help maintain the integrity of family life and reduce reliance on others and the need for institutional care.

Who is suitable for Environmental Controls?

Environmental Control equipment is provided to people of any age satisfying the following criteria:

  • Have a long term and substantial disability caused by disease, injury or congenital condition.
  • Have the necessary abilities and motivation to operate the equipment satisfactorily.
  • Able to operate the equipment independently.
  • Where other, simpler or more cost effective solutions are not suitable.

Who pays for the equipment and service?

The equipment is provided on a ‘free of charge’ loan basis to an individual for their use, usually at their place of residence. Full training is given to the user and others involved. Also funded is a service & maintenance contract with the supplier to cover equipment problems. Additional functions and adjustments can be made to suit an individual’s changing needs and circumstances.

Funding for equipment is limited and priority of provision is given to those with a rapidly deteriorating condition, who live on their own, are at risk, and those with a long term substantial need. Separate funding must be obtained for equipment in nursing homes and for ancillary equipment such as door, window or curtain openers.

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North Thames Regional Environmental Control Equipment Service (RECES)
Other Phone numbers
01895 279158

North Thames Regional Environmental Control Equipment Service (RECES), Alderbourne Unit, Hillingdon Hospital, PIELD HEATH ROAD, UXBRIDGE, Middlesex
United Kingdom


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