The Marylebone Project is a Registered Social Landlord set up through a partnership between Church Army and the Portman House Trust. We provide 112 long and short term beds to homeless women and offer essential facilities and support to women who visit our rough sleeper's drop-in at the Marylebone Centre. The Marylebone Centre also delivers education, employment and training opportunities and meaningful activities in order to support service users into independent living.
Those we support are often affected by substance misuse, unemployment, domestic violence and mental health issues. Whatever their story, we aim for the same ending; self-esteem, employment and independent living. We do this by providing shelter, emotional support, education opportunities, spiritual space, and events in a welcoming and secure environment.
Our ethos is that each woman is a very special person and through the themes of:
- Spirituality - that God loves each person regardless
- Hospitality - that all are welcomed
- Empowerment - equipping women to make informed choices
- Resettlement – encouraging and supporting women towards independent living
We believe that we are and will continue to make a lasting difference