Hammersmith United Charities invests in the people and communities in the 8 northern wards of Hammersmith & Fulham to tackle poverty, deprivation and disadvantage, building on our legacies, wisdom, learning and experience gained over 400 years.
They support local people to build their confidence and resourcefulness, develop their own talents and skills, connect people together and strengthen relationships and neighbourliness within and across diverse communities.
They achieve these aims by:
managing vibrant sheltered housing communities for older people
creating safe, beautiful outdoor environments managed by the Charity's community horticulturalist with the residents, for people to share and enjoy as neighbours
funding a community based grants programme
match funding the Wormholt & White City Big Local with the Lottery
and by working with local people, organisations and businesses to make Hammersmith a great place.
Becoming a Resident
If you interested in becoming a resident you should be over 60, have lived in the area of benefit for the last 5 years or if currently outside of the area, that you are able to evidence that you have lived in the area for 10 years throughout your life; and be on low income.