The Haemophilia Society

Help and advice for people suffering from Haemophilia and their families. 

They support people with conditions like haemophilia and von Willebrands, as well as their families and carers. They offer:

  • information to help you make informed decisions about your treatment and care 
  • free membership of a supportive community that understands what life with a bleeding disorder is like
  • the chance to meet others with similar experiences to share through local groups and services dedicated to the needs of specific groups: women, young people, the newly diagnosed and people with an inhibitor
  • ways to get your views and opinions heard, to help change UK treatment and care for the better.

Membership is free and open to all. 

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The Haemophilia Society
Other Phone numbers
020 7939 0780

The Haemophilia Society 52B Borough High Street London
United Kingdom


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Southwark Street
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Borough Market

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