Future Men is a charity that supports boys and men address the stereotypes around masculinity and engaging in the wider conversation of what it means to be a man.

Why they’re here

How, and what boys and men learn about being a man affects how they manage their lives and relationships. It also affects how they feel about themselves. Many boys and men still learn that being dominant and aggressive are necessary parts of being a man and find it hard to resist overwhelming peer pressure to take part in risk-taking behaviour. These pressures during adolescence and other transitional times in life, can have harmful consequences for both men themselves and wider society.

What they do

They support boys and men from childhood to 25+ to help them become dynamic and healthy future men. Through practice-led services, boys and men are encouraged to explore, celebrate and build on the seven characteristics that Future Men believe contribute to positive masculinity. These are:

  • Resilience - Able to recover when things go wrong.
  • Inclusiveness - Open to include all different people.
  • Reflectiveness - Learning from things that happen to you.
  • Empathy - Caring for others.
  • Resourcefulness - Able to make the best of what you have.
  • Curiosity - Interested in the world around you.
  • Non-violence - Can solve problems without hurting others.

They also advocate for boys and men through influencing policy and practice, whilst addressing the stereotypes around masculinity and engaging in the wider conversation of what it means to be a man. Their work addresses some of the biggest societal issues facing this group, such as low educational attainment, poor mental health and youth violence.

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Future Men
Other Phone numbers
0207 237 5353

34 Grosvenor Gardens, London
United Kingdom


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Oxford Tube Stop

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