Abuse can happen anywhere - in your own home, in a care home, in a hospital, at work, at a day centre or educational establishment, in supported housing or in the street. It can be deliberate, or the result of ignorance or a lack of proper training.
Whatever the type of abuse, and wherever it happens, it is not acceptable, particularly when the victim is someone who is not able to properly protect themselves.
Reporting abuse
If you think you are being abused, or another adult with care and support needs that you know is being harmed in any way, by another person please do not ignore it.
In an emergency, or if you suspect you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 999.
If you don't think you need immediate help from the police or are worried about calling them, you can contact us on freephone 0800 145 6095. This phone line is open 8.45am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Outside of these hours you can call us on 020 8748 8588.
You can also email the adult multi-agency safeguarding hub at safeguardingadults@lbhf.gov.uk
To tell us about any concerns you have, known as 'raising a safeguarding alert', fill in the safeguarding adults concern form and return it to us.
Independent support and advice
The NHS website has information and advice about the different types of abuse and what to do about it.
NHS - Abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults
For older people
Hourglass is the only UK-wide charity dedicated to ending the harm and abuse of older people. Visit their website for information about the types of abuse older people suffer, the support available and the different ways you can contact their confidential helpine services.
If you need help now, call their 24-hour helpline on 0808 808 8141.
People with a learning disability
Respond supports people with learning disabilities, autism or both who have experienced trauma and abuse.
Easy Health have various easy-read leaflets and videos which will help people with learning disabilities to understand what abuse is, and to know what to do if they think they are being subjected to abuse.
For people with complex disabilities
Sense offer free and impartial information for people living with complex disabilities including deafblindness.
H&F Adults Safeguarding Board
Hammersmith & Fulham Safeguarding Adults Board (hfsafeguardingadults.org.uk)