On this page you will find information on advice and support available for people living with dementia or those caring for them.

Dementia strategy
The H&F Dementia Action Alliance together with seven other local organisations supported by H&F Adult Social Care produced together with over 140 residents living with dementia and their carers, stakeholders and businesses our Dementia Strategy 2021- 2024.
We are committed to improving the lives of people living with dementia and their carers. In the Dementia Strategy you will find that living well with dementia is about much more than just getting the right health and social care. It's about ensuring the whole community - transport, shopping, sports, arts and leisure, housing and more - are all dementia-aware and can support people to live well in our communities.
Our key commitments are:
- Increasing diagnosis rates
- raising awareness of dementia and ways to reduce the risk
- providing clear and accessible support
- offering a range of dementia specific and inclusive activities
- creating a community that is dementia-friendly

Dementia guide
Here you can find our Living with Dementia guide with a summary of useful information and links to help and to advise throughout the various stages of dementia, from getting a diagnosis onwards. This guide has been made possible by ongoing support from West London NHS Trust.
What is dementia and getting a diagnosis
Dementia is the term used to describe changes in cognitive functioning, for example, memory, attention and thinking skills.
There are many conditions and types of dementia. The way people are affected and treated will depend on the specific disease that is causing the dementia. There are a range of resources available online that can provide more detailed information about health and well-being. We suggest that you find out more about your own condition and refer to the information available from national NHS, visit: www.nhs.uk/conditions/dementia
And other organisations such as the Alzheimer's Society and Dementia UK (Admiral Nurses)
Hammersmith & Fulham has a Memory Clinic which provides assessments and diagnosis of dementia and ongoing support and information. You will need a referral from your GP to use this service.
The service is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm (closed on public holidays)
- Address: St Vincent's Hospital, 49 Caroline St. London W6 9QH
- Telephone: 0208 483 2525
Getting help and support
Dementia Link Workers
A Dementia Link Worker provides individual sessions about support on living with, or caring for someone with dementia
Hammersmith & Fulham Council Adult Social Care
If you or someone else need further care and support, contact LBHF Adult Social Care Department. You can request a needs assessment for care which will determine the best way the council can support you.
- Telephone: 0800 145 6095
- Out of hours number: 0208 748 8588
- Email: adultsocialcare@lbhf.gov.uk
Admiral Nurses
Admiral Nurses are specialist nurses offering one-to-one support to carers of people living with dementia.
- Telephone: 0800 888 6678 (Helpline)
Carers Network
Carers Network provides Carers Assessments and reviews, advice and guidance on being a carer via a phone service, coffee mornings and advice drop-ins.
- Telephone: 020 8960 3033
Financial support
Both the person with dementia and the carers may be eligible to apply for Council Tax Exemption or other benefits and concessions..
Eligibility typically applies to a person living with dementia who is receiving benefits outlined on the website under 'severely mentally impaired discount' or a Carer discount.
Carers of someone living with dementia can apply for a Carer's Allowance.
Find out more about Carer's Allowances.
Alternatively you can apply for an Attendance Allowance which helps with extra costs if you need someone to look after you or someone you know.
Find out more about Attendance Allowance.
Money and benefit advice from Carers Network
Activities for people living with dementia
Day Centres
For people in H&F, these centres offer respite for carers and support, therapies and activities, which can help people to regain skills, reduce confusion and encourage social interaction. Transport is provided.
- St Vincent's Day Centre, Imperial Wharf Resource Centre, Elgin Close Resource Centre and Nubian Life Resource Centre
Attendance is subject to eligibility following an assessment from the H&F Adult Social Care team:
- Telephone: 0800 145 6095
- Out of hours number: 0208 748 8588
- Email: adultsocialcare@lbhf.gov.uk
Hammersmith & Fulham Dementia Action Alliance
Working with local organisations, the local council and the NHS to provide activities, information , services and to support people to live well with dementia.
- Telephone: 0777 578 4520
- Web address: www.hfdaa.org
'Good Life with Dementia' programme and follow-on groups
A programme run by Innovations in Dementia with the Memory Clinic and Dementia Action Alliance for people with a recent diagnosis of dementia.
The programme provides information and support and includes sessions on daily living aids, planning for the future and emotional resilience all led by people who have been living with the condition for some time.
- Telephone: 0777 578 4520
- Email: info@hfdaa.org
H&F Tuesday Club - Network of Memory Cafes
The cafes are a place for people with dementia and/or their carers, to meet in a fun welcoming environment. People can share experiences, access information and enjoy spending time together, while enjoying a cup of tea and amusement.
Each cafe takes place at a different venue in a different part of the borough and has its own distinct atmosphere/character. Try them all. Outside speakers will be organised as requested.
Contact Peggy: 0777 578 4520 / peggy@hfdaa.org
- Nourish Hub (on the 1st Tuesday of every month)
Supported by HF Dementia Action Alliance - Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham ( on the second Tuesday of every month)
Supported by Visiting Angels Home Care - Elgin Close Resource Centre (on the third Tuesday of every month)
Supported by Walfinch Independent Home Living - Alzheimer's Society (on the last Saturday of every month)
For Brian, C.I.C
Operates in north Hammersmith with and for people with dementia, their families and friends, and a growing team of creative practitioners.
Bespoke support is co-produced with each individual and their support networks; activities include all ability cycling sessions with instructors and cycle taxi information, advice; counselling, inclusive street parties
0754 528 7139
Dance for Dementia is a weekly dance programme, which combines physical and cognitive stimulation with fun routines.
0749 451 3079
Turtle Key Arts
Turtle Song is a series of workshops for people with dementia and their companions (carers, friends and family) with a professional composer, director and musicians.
0208 964 5060
Alzheimer's Society
Dementia Support - Trained staff provide 1:1 information, advice and support to people with, or approaching, a diagnosis of dementia and their carers, family and friends.
Carer Peer Support -This group offers carers the chance to take time off for themselves, meet other carers and share experiences.