Accessible public transport

Accessible public transport in London

Being able to get out and about in the local community, whether to catch up with friends, do the shopping, or do the kinds of things which interest us, is important for all of us and vital for our physical and mental well-being.

If you have a health problem or disability, or are becoming frailer as you get older, then getting out and about can be a challenge.

Visit the TfL website for information on accessible public transport in London including:

  • planning a journey
  • accessibility guides and maps
  • using the different kinds of transport across the TfL network
  • help while traveling
  • travel mentoring – TfL can help you start to use public transport
  • door-to-door transport.

To get more advice on using public transport you can contact TfL's Travel Mentoring Service.


Dial-A-Ride is a door-to-door service run by Transport for London for people with long term disabilities.

You can apply for Dial-a-Ride if you are a permanent or temporary resident of a London borough.

Wheelchair access

Wheelchair access & avoiding stairs - Transport for London (

Mobility scooters

Using mobility scooters on London buses

See Transport accessibility - Transport for London (

Motability Scheme

The Motability Scheme was established to provide disabled people with safe, reliable and affordable cars, powered wheelchairs or scooters.

Railcards and concessions

If you travel regularly by train then National Railcards offer excellent value for money, with savings of at least a third on rail fares.

Find out about:

Toilet facilities

Great British toilet map

Maps like the Great British Public Toilet Map can help you to check in advance where the nearest public toilets are. 

Radar Key

The National Key Scheme (NKS) offers disabled people independent access to locked public toilets around the country.

Toilets fitted with National Key Scheme (NKS) locks can now be found in shopping centres, pubs, cafés, department stores, bus and train stations and many other locations in most parts of the country.

When you order a key you will also be able to order a list of toilets in your local area which are part of the scheme.

Visit Disability Rights UK for information about radar keys.

Changing places scheme

The changing places scheme is designed for people who may need extra facilities to allow them to use the toilets comfortably.

Changing places toilets are different to standard disabled toilets with extra features and more space.

Find Changing Places toilets in your area

Toilets on the tube

Download the Tube toilet map (PDF) - this map has the locations of toilets on the Tube, DLR and London Overground network, including those which are adapted for people with disabilities.

Other information and advice

Transport for all

Transport for all has information and advice on accessible transport, and campaigns on behalf of older people and people with disabilities.

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