Care and support costs

Help at home - costs

Hammersmith & Fulham Council meets all the costs of care in the home for residents. So there are no charges for care provided at home in Hammersmith and Fulham, you are not required to contribute towards your personal budget.

If your needs assessment finds that you require care in your own home, we'll develop a care and support plan to understand what services are necessary to meet your needs.

We'll then calculate how much the care and support will cost. This is known as your personal budget.

Paying for staying in a care home 

If your needs assessment finds that you require residential care in a care home the council can arrange this. If you are eligible, the council may also contribute towards the cost of your residential care. 

To find out what your contribution will be towards the cost of your residential care in a home we will need to conduct a financial assessment. 

For more information on financial assessments see paying for staying in a care home

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