Search room opening hours
The search room opening hours are Monday and Tuesday from 10am to 5pm, but it is closed at lunchtime between 1pm-2pm. For archival items – including items listed on our catalogue and the drainage plans – we ask that you make a booking to visit the archives search room at least one week ahead of your planned visit.
Bookings can be made at
The archives catalogue is accessible here: Hammersmith and Fulham Local Studies and Archives.
Hammersmith & Fulham Local Studies and Archives holds the archives and local history collections for the borough. Our collections include:
- documents
- books
- maps
- photographs
- local newspapers.
While our original purpose was to hold the records of the council and its predecessor bodies, our collections reach far beyond that with material donated from local institutions such as churches and schools, local businesses, local organisations and residents.
To learn more about our collections please see the exploring our collections webpage.
Follow our libraries blog to find more detailed information about our collections.