The following information sets out the process we go through to work out how best to support you, and the kinds of options we are likely to suggest to make sure you have a safe and affordable home.
- We're here to help
We know finding long-term accommodation can be stressful.
We'll do our best to help you as quickly as possible.
- Initial contact form
We'll ask you to fill in an initial contact form, to understand your circumstances.
- We'll call you
We will assess your circumstances and will call you within 5 to 7 working days to discuss your options.
- Advice
We'd like to help everyone but don't have enough housing to do so. We follow a legal process to prioritise who we can help.
If we can't consider you to be homeless, we will always provide you with advice and guidance.
We may not be able to provide you with a home but we will always help with advice to find a solution.
- Personal Housing Plan
If you're at risk of becoming homeless we will work with you to create a personal housing plan.
In the first instance, we will try and prevent you from becoming homeless. It might be possible for us to help you stay where you are living now.
If you've lived in the borough for more than 5 years you might qualify to join the housing register.
- Finding your own home in the private rented sector
If you can't stay where you are, we can help you to find accommodation in the private rented sector.
If you find your own property, you'll be able to choose where you live in or outside London, the kind of property you live in and we might be able to help you with moving costs.
We may look at other short-term options while we help you find long-term accommodation in the private-rented sector.
Short term options

Option 1: Friends and family
If it's possible, we might help you to stay with friends and family while we help you find long-term accommodation.

Option 2: Homefinder
If it works for you, we might help you find permanent housing elsewhere in the country through Homefinder.
We can often make this happen really quickly.

Option 3: Property guardian
If you're single we might be able to help you find low or no cost short-term accommodation in return for acting as a property guardian for an unoccupied building.

Option 4: Sheltered or supported accommodation
If you're struggling with additional needs, you might qualify for sheltered or supported accommodation to help you live independently.