Fire and building safety residents’ group terms of reference

1. Purpose

1.1 To advise and make recommendations on the delivery of the Fire Safety Plus programme.

1.2 To prioritise Fire Safety Plus projects in line with legal compliance responsibilities.

1.3 To incorporate residents' views and involve residents in planning for the Fire Safety Plus programme and in its delivery.

1.4 To provide effective communication for the Fire Safety Plus programme and develop training and education to accompany it.

1.5 To create policy that ensures the continuation of Fire Safety within the Council's housing stock as a future priority.

2. Frequency of Meetings

2.1 Initially meetings to be held every two weeks.

2.2 Frequency of meetings will reduce to one a month as the programme develops Meetings will cease on the completion of the Fire Safety Plus programme.

3. Membership

3.1 Membership of the Fire Safety Plus Resident’s Advisory Group is open to all residents living in a property managed or leased from the council.

3.2 Membership will include:

  • Strategic Head of Development, Regeneration and Economic Growth
  • Strategic Head of Property Services
  • Compliance Advisor
  • Strategic Head of Housing Management Services
  • No fewer than four, no more than six resident members (minimum 2 tenants, no more than 2 leaseholders and only 1 sheltered representative)

Or staff from their teams as appropriate and will attend meetings where agenda items are relevant to their service area.

3.3 Membership is subject to four conditions:

  • to work co-operatively and constructively as part of a team
  • a willingness/commitment to undertake training for the role
  • a willingness/commitment to set aside the time necessary to attend meetings and training
  • a commitment to abide by the agreed code of conduct

3.4 Membership will be publicised on the resident involvement webpage and provided to all Housing Representatives Forum

3.5 Members of the Resident Advisory Group can be members of any other resident involvement group or TRA.

3.6 The group is to be chaired by a resident representative.

4. Equalities and Diversity

4.1 The council believes in a fair society that gives everyone an equal chance to learn, work and live free from discrimination, harassment, and prejudice; that the diversity of our community is an asset to our borough; in fighting against discrimination. The Group will be committed to promoting equality of opportunity to all persons in every respect of activities carried out by it

4.2 The council is committed to equal opportunities policies and action to ensure that its employees and the people it serves are not discriminated against based on their age, class, disability, employment status, ethnic or national origins, race or colour, HIV status, marital status, religious or political beliefs, responsibilities for children or dependants, sex, sexuality, trade union activities and unrelated criminal convictions.

4.3 The Group will recognise the existence and importance of the different ages, races, genders, abilities, and lifestyles within our communities and will strive to ensure that no group or individual will be disadvantaged because of its activities.

4.4 Members must abide by the Code of Conduct which undertakes to deal firmly and promptly with any cases of discrimination, harassment, or prejudice.

5. Quorum

5.1 A quorum will be more than 50% of members. Inquorate meetings should be noted and decisions ratified at the next quorate meeting.

6. Officer Support and Meeting Space

6.1 The Fire Safety Plus Resident Advisory Group will be serviced by the Councils Resident Involvement Team.

7. Accountability

7.1 The Group is formally accountable to the Housing Representatives Forum and the Cabinet member for Housing.

7.2 The minutes and all reports of Group will be made available on the council’s web site and to any resident on request.

7.3 In urgent or exceptional circumstances the Fire Safety Plus Resident Advisory Group may request that the Cabinet Member for Housing, Executive Director, or Director to attend their meeting.

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