Supporting evidence you will need to apply

You will be required to upload original documents in PDF format to your housing register application.

If you do not have the required documents, you will not be able to apply now.

Proof of identification (ID)

Please provide copies of:

  • valid passports for adults
  • valid passports for children or dependants
  • full birth certificates for adults - where no passport is provided please provide valid photos for the main applicant and partner
  • full birth certificates for all children (if applicable)
  • Home Office documents / IND (Indefinite leave to remain) letters, valid UK Residence Card (H)

Proof of income - not salary or self-employed income

We need to see:

  • documents from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) proving receipt of all welfare benefits received showing the start date and amount received
  • a child benefit entitlement letter showing names of children, entitlement start date and total  amount paid
  • statements for the last 3 months for all bank, building society, savings and investment accounts. These must show the wages, welfare benefits and, or pension for each adult on your application.

Proof of residency

You will need to provide evidence that you have lived in the borough for at least 5 of the last 7 years.

The documents you can use for proof of residency are:

  • bank statements - a statement for each year
  • utility bills - a bill for each year
  • your TV licence - a copy for each year
  • a GP medical card showing relevant dates
  • an Inland Revenue (HMRC) notification
  • household insurance documents
  • host's tenancy agreement, a letter from the host and their proof of ID
  • tenancy or contractual licence agreements
  • confirmation of pregnancy - MATB1 or antenatal records.

We will also need to see your most recent tenancy agreement.

If you are living with friends or family you can provide a host's tenancy agreement or a letter from the host and proof of their ID.

The letter from the host should confirm:

  • when you moved in
  • how many bedrooms are in the property
  • how the bedrooms are used.

Evidence for medical assessment form

Completed medical assessment form as well as the following supporting documents: 

  • medical letters or reports
  • prescriptions
  • occupational health report
  • hospital discharge summary
  • patient summary (you can ask your GP for this if seeing them before completing the form).

Evidence for community contribution

Please provide the appropriate evidence to show your community contribution.

Employment (main applicant and partner)

This can be a contract of employment or a letter from your employer on headed paper confirming your employment start date and the number of hours you are contracted to work. 

The minimum hours we'll accept are:

  • 16 hours for 1 person
  • 24 hours for a couple, with 1 person working at least 16 hours.

You will also need to provide payslips for the last 9 months and a P60 for each year you've been employed.


You will need to provide proof that you receive a Carers Allowance and proof that the person you carer for receives a Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments.

Self-employment (main applicant and partner) - All documents

Self-employed applicants must provide:

  • the last 2 profit and loss accounts
  • tax returns submitted to HMRC
  • invoices for the last 9 months
  • a letter from your most recent employers (last 9 months) on headed paper (who you are  contracted to) confirming employment start date and number of hours contracted to work.

Volunteering (main applicant and partner)

This should be a letter from the charitable organisation on headed paper confirming the length of time volunteering and number of hours a month you volunteer. 

The registered number of the charity should also be shown and both a contact name and contact number to verify the authenticity of the letter.   

Training or education (main applicant and partner)

This should be a letter from the education organisation on headed paper and include:

  • course details (subject and level of qualification)
  • course start date (for each year based on how many years already taken)
  • how long the course will last
  • how many hours studying per week
  • contact name and number.

We will also need proof:

  • that you receive a student loan and for each year you have received it - if this applies
  • of payment for the person being cared for

Armed Forces

This can be proof of:

  • an honourable discharge from the Armed Forces  
  • residency within this borough for 6 months before enlisting in the Armed Forces.

Registered foster carer or adopter

This can be:

  • proof of registration with the H&F fostering or adoption service   
  • proof of placement or adoption
  • a special guardianship order.

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