Housing floating support services

Get help with resolving a crisis and improve your skills and confidence to take control of your life.

Housing floating support is a free, short term service to residents in the borough who are having difficulties managing their home.

Floating support can help you resolve a crisis and improve your skills and confidence to take control of your life and make your own decisions.

Housing floating support services leaflet (PDF, 3MB)

What can I get help with?

You may need support in your own home for a range of reasons, such as:

  • moving into new or unsupported accommodation
  • facing difficulties in your accommodation that may lead to homelessness
  • leaving hospital, prison or care and need support to live independently.

Depending upon your needs we may be able to support you to:

  • remain in your current accommodation or to find alternative accommodation
  • access physical and mental health services and encourage healthy lifestyles
  • move on from temporary accommodation into more settled accommodation
  • reduce offending behaviour
  • access and maintain education, training and employment opportunities
  • access services to help maintain your independence
  • minimise substance abuse and the harm it causes
  • reduce the need for crisis and emergency interventions.

What floating support service can’t help with

Unfortunately floating support services cannot provide any help with personal care or domestic duties (e.g. cooking, cleaning, DIY, gardening etc.) and they can't provide any counselling or befriending. If you need support with day to day activities, please contact Adult Social Care (020 8753 4198) or speak with your GP.

Who can use this service?

It is available to all residents with housing support needs living in any type of independent accommodation in the borough.

How do I apply for this service?

To apply for this service complete the housing support application form and email it to us at housing.support@lbhf.gov.uk

Download the:

Contact the team

Call the floating support team on 020 8753 1437 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or email housing.support@lbhf.gov.uk

Contact us about council tax support or housing benefit

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