Edith Summerskill House

The redevelopment of Edith Summerskill House site will deliver a 100% affordable housing (133 homes) of which 105 will be social rent homes and 28 intermediate homes.

Peabody are building the new homes on this council-owned site.

Peabody had to submit a minor variation to the planning permission in April 2024 for a change the design of the building to include second staircase in response to new building regulations on fire safety. This was agreed in May 2024.

Start on site is now expected in the Summer of 2025 though neighbours will see some minor preparation work on the site before this date.

What Edith Summerskill House could look like in the future

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Proposed Edith Summerskill House side elevation

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The skyline from Edith Summerskill House

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Edith Summerskill House from the street

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The community room at Edith Summerskill House

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