Healthwise Physical Activity Referral Scheme

Our Healthwise Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PARS) provides health professions the pathway to refer patients to the benefits of physical activity and exercise, to help reduce the risk factors for chronic disease and manage existing medical conditions.  

Our aim is to encourage people of all abilities to become and remain more physically active, supporting participants to increase activity levels and improve their physical and mental wellbeing. 

Please find further information about Healthwise PARS below: 

  • Participants of the scheme are supported over 12 weeks including an individually tailored physical activity programme based upon participants’ preferences, medical conditions, activity levels and fitness goals. Additionally, participants can attend Healthwise supervised drop-in gym sessions for extra support and motivation, a wide range of group exercise classes, and swimming.
  • Patients are required to attend three appointments, starting with an Initial Assessment, Mid-Way Review and a Final Assessment to assess and monitor progress and provide support to overcome potential barriers to become more physically active. 
  • The programme offers subsidised membership £20 per month on DD and £4 Pay and Play for up to two years, provided that participants complete the required 12 weeks. 
  • For a full list of the Inclusion/Exclusion criteria please see the document Inclusion/Exclusion criteria at the bottom of this page.

Please note that as from January 1 2022, we are unable to accept incomplete or historical referral forms and only forms date stamped Oct 2021 sent to us electronically can be processed

If you have a patient who is suitable for referral, please complete our referral form and send it to Once received, we will screen and contact the patient directly. Healthwise offers face to face appointments for individuals referred and is delivered at the H&F Better Leisure Centres below.

Healthwise Better Centres

Hammersmith Fitness and Squash Centre 
Chalk Hill Rd,  W6 8DW 

Lillie Road Fitness Centre 
Lillie Road, Fulham, SW6 7PD 

Phoenix Fitness Centre and Janet Adegoke Swimming Pool 
Bloemfontein Rd, W12 7DB

More information

  • Healthwise information for patients

    The Healthwise physical activity referral scheme introduces individuals to the benefits of physical activity in order to help reduce risk factors for chronic disease, and manage existing medical conditions.

    The programme aims to encourage people of all abilities to become and remain more physically active, helping to increase activity levels and improve health and wellbeing.

    Better leisure centres in the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

    01.    Hammersmith Fitness and Squash Centre, Chalk Hill Road, Hammersmith, W6 8DW Tel: 020 8741 8028

    02.    Lillie Road Fitness Centre
    Lillie Road, Fulham, SW6 7PD
    Tel: 020 7381 2183

    03.    Phoenix Fitness Centre and Janet Adegoke Swimming Pool
    Bloemfontein Road, Shepherds Bush, W12 7DB
    Tel: 020 8735 4900

    Contact us

    07776 721354

    Who is Healthwise for?

    The scheme is for H&F residents or patients registered with a H&F GP/doctors surgery who are physically inactive. It is designed to assist people with medical conditions or other specialist requirements that may be a barrier to accessing mainstream activity in leisure centres.

    Common reasons for referral:

    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Circulatory/respiratory diseases
    • Depression and anxiety
    • Arthritis.

    How can being more active help me?

    Regular activity can reduce the risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

    Regular activity will help to:

    • Keep your heart strong and healthy
    • Reduce stress and anxiety
    • Assist with weight loss and weight management
    • Strengthen your muscles
    • Improve your mobility and posture
    • Assist with smoking cessation
    •  Improve your quality of life and overall health.

    What activities are available?

    Healthwise offer a range of activities to suit all abilities. Your facilitator will help you select suitable classes.

    Your physical activity programme may include some of the following:

    • Gym-based supervised sessions
    • Group exercise options
    • Water-based exercise

    The Healthwise team will help:

    • Assess and monitor your progress
    • Motivate and encourage you during your activity programme
    • Advise you on how to exercise safely and with confidence
    • Answer your questions.


    All successful referrals referred by a Health professional will be required to take out a subsidised membership at the beginning of their intervention. This will provide access to gym, swim & classes at all Better leisure centres in the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

    How to register

    If you are interested in Healthwise then please speak to your GP, practice nurse or Social prescribing link worker, who must refer you. If your GP is not registered with the scheme then please contact the Healthwise Coordinator at your local Better Leisure Centre. If your GP or nurse feel you may benefit from Healthwise they will need to complete a referral form and send it on to the Healthwise team. Healthwise will contact you to screen your referral further and if successful you will be signposted to the appropriate intervention with a Healthwise Facilitator.

    The information in this section can be found in this pdf too: Healthwise Info for H&F Patients (pdf 3.5MB)

  • Healthwise: Information for referrers and referral form

    How to make a referral

    The Healthwise programme has been designed for individuals who have not had previous access to leisure centres and are classed as inactive.

    In order for the referral to be processed promptly please ensure that you follow the below procedures:

    • The patient being referred is a low to medium risk patient and is suitable to undertake a physical activity programme. Please refer to the Inclusion Exclusion Criteria for more details
    • All sections of the referral form have been completed in full including all contact details and signatures, ensure specific detail is given to support their reason for referral along with previous medical history and current medicatio
    • The patient understands that they are being referred to an exercise referral programme for a 12 week period, which is not a one to one training service
    • The patient understands that there will be assessments throughout the programme that are compulsory for their continuation on the Healthwise programme
    • The patient understands that they will need to make a payment to the leisure centre for this programme which is currently £20.00 a month by DD or £4 pay as you go
    • The form has been sent via email to: 

    For more information relating to inclusion and exclusion criteria, please refer to your Referrer’s manual.

    Healthwise referral form (word)

    If you have any problems accessing the form please email or call the Healthwise team on 07776 721354. 

    The information in this section can be found in this pdf too: Healthwise Info for H&F Referrers (pdf 1.3MB)

  • Healthwise Inclusion/exclusion criteria

    Inclusion criteria

    All clients for the Healthwise Physical Activity Referral must be:

    • Over 18 years of age
    • London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham resident or registered with a LBHF GP surgery
    • Considering or ready to make a change to their physical activity levels i.e. Contemplation, Preparation, or Action stage
    • Not currently active
    • Able to access the venue independently, or with the assistance of their carer.

    And with one or more of the following conditions:


    • Family History of Premature CHD - Female < 65; Male < 55 and two other CVD risk factors
    • Hypertension  -  Medication Controlled ≥ 140-180SBP and or ≥ 90-100DBP
    • Peripheral Vascular Disease  -  No symptoms of cardiac dysfunction
    • >20% CVD risk over next 10 years  -  Multiple risk factors as identified by QRisk/JBS2 risk tools
    • Established CHD  -  Patient must have completed Phase IV cardiac rehab <6 months ago
    • Stroke  -  > 3 months since stroke and < 1 year ago. Stable CV symptoms, no assistance required

    Mental Health

    • Depression  -  Mild to moderate
    • Anxiety Disorders  -  Mild to moderate


    • Hyperlipidaemia  -  ≥6.0mmol/l and/or raised triglycerides
    • Type 1/Type 2 Diabetes  -  With HbA1c < 10% and adequate knowledge regarding hypoglycaemia awareness and management. If relevant: With adequate advice about adjustment of carbohydrate/ treatment dosage (Insulin or oral hypoglycaemics)
    • Overweight/Obesity  -  BMI ≥30 (≥27.5 BAME) with an additional medical condition


    • Fibromyalgia  -  Associated impaired functional ability
    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  -  Significantly deconditioned due to longstanding symptoms
    • Osteoarthritis  -  Mild/moderate with related mobility problems (includes joint replacements e.g. hip, knee, shoulder)
    • Osteopenia  -  BMD between 1 and 2.5 SD below young adult mean
    • Osteoporosis  -  BMD 2.5 SD below the young adult mean or >4 on fracture index with no history of previous low trauma fracture or history of falls
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis  -  Mild where physical activity will provide symptomatic relief
    • Back Pain  -  After back rehabilitation, referral from Physiotherapist


    • Neurological Conditions  -  e.g. Young onset Parkinson’s Disease (stable), Multiple Sclerosi, Cerebral Palsy


    • Asthma  -  Mild to moderate
    • COPD  -  Without ventilatory limitation. Patient must have completed Pulmonary Rehab <6 months ago

    Exclusion criteria


    • Established CHD pre Phase IV rehabilitation  -  Angina, Post MI, CABG, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI/Stent), Valve Replacement (refer to Phase IV Rehabilitation classes)    
    • Stroke/TIA  -  Recent, <3 months ago    
    • Acute Coronary Event/Intervention or Diagnosis  -  Referral to specialist services for a 4-10 week multidisciplinary programme before referral to Healthwise (if appropriate)    

    Mental Health        

    • Psychiatric Illness/Cognitive Impairment/Dementia  -  Score 8 or more on the Six-item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT)    


    • Type 1/Type 2 Diabetes  -  Uncontrolled or with advanced complications. HbA1c > 10%.    
    • Overweight/Obesity  -  Without comorbidities    


    • Severe Osteoarthritis/Rheumatoid Arthritis  -  With associated mobility problem. T Score >2.5    
    • Clinical Diagnosis Osteoporosis  - BMD > 2.5 SD from young adult mean, combined with one or more documented low trauma or fragility fractures    
    • Sports/other Injuries  -  Individuals requiring a rehabilitation programme after an injury    
    • Back Pain  -  Without any comorbidities / without intervention from a physio    


    • Asthma  -  Unstable/Severe    
    • COPD  -  With ventilatory limitation. Pre Pulmonary Rehab            
    • Cancer  -  Patients who are receiving or post cancer treatment (<1 yr. ago).    


    • Resting SBP> 180mmHg: DBP>100mmHg 
    • Uncontrolled/unstable angina    
    • Experiences significant drop in BP during exercise 
    • Experiences chest pain, dizziness or excessive breathlessness during exertion    
    • Unstable or acute heart failure
    • New or uncontrolled arrhythmias    
    • Uncontrolled resting tachycardia >100 bpm
    • Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy  
    • Neuromuscular, musculoskeletal or rheumatoid disorders that are exacerbated by exercise
    • Acute pulmonary embolus or pulmonary infarction    
    • Acute myocarditis or pericarditis 
    • Suspected or known dissecting aneurysm
    • Uncontrolled mental health condition
    • Acute uncontrolled psychiatric illness
    • Symptomatic severe aortic stenosis
    • Febrile illness    
    • Other rapidly progressing terminal illness
    • Acute infections/illness/fever    

    The information in this section can be found in this pdf too: H&F Healthwise Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria March 2022 (pdf 112KB)

For more information about the scheme please email or call the Healthwise team on 07776 721354. 

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