Multi-Agency Panels

What is a Multi-Agency Panel?

A multi-agency panel is a regular meeting to discuss how to help and support residents who are at high risk.

No single agency has a complete picture of each resident's life, so every multi-agency panel is made up of representatives from the local authority, the emergency services, the charity sector, and a host of other local services.

Multi-agency panels are a forum for all parties to share information, and to develop coordinated strategies to help mitigate the risk(s) posed to the resident and/or the local community.

When to refer to a Multi-Agency Panel

If a resident remains at high risk despite previous intervention efforts by your service/agency, you should consider referring the resident to the appropriate multi-agency panel for consideration.

Directory of H&F Multi-Agency Panels

At Hammersmith & Fulham we have 11 multi-agency panels, to support on cases ranging from domestic abuse to gang exploitation. Please see below for details of each panel, including what should be referred, who to contact with queries, and how to make a referral.

If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of the forms in a more accessible format, please email the relevant multi-agency panel (all email addresses can be found below). Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.

Dynamic Support Register and Priority Risk Panel

Organised by North West London Clinical Commissioning Group (NWL CCG)
Chair: Alison Markwell, Head of SEND Health Partnerships / Senior Designated Clinical Officer Co-chair: Matthew Simpson,

Service manager Disabled Children's Team

Meets: Monthly

Brief definition of panel: To identify children and young people up to 18 years who have a Learning Disability and/or Autism and who may be at risk of admission to mental health inpatient services or residential settings (for those aged 14 years and above). The register is reviewed by a multi-agency professionals to anticipate and meet the needs of those people with learning disabilities and/or autism who display behaviour that challenges, or who are at risk of developing behaviour that challenges, through early identification and appropriate planning, including preventative support. Inclusion on the register requires consent from parents and/or young people.

What to refer: Children and young people who have ASD and/or LD and may be at risk of admission to an inpatient mental setting or a residential placement
Who can refer: Any professional
Referral form: No referral form; CYP who may be appropriate for inclusion are highlighted to the DSR by group members or via email to Alison Markwell and/or Matthew Simpson
Queries: Alison Markwell ( or Matthew Simpson (

Domestic Abuse Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (DA MARAC)

Organised by Standing Together
Chair: Police Detective Inspector
Meets: monthly

DA MARAC looks at high-risk cases of domestic abuse (where an individual is at risk of serious harm or homicide) and aims to create a risk management plan to reduce the risk to victims, children, and other vulnerable adults, whilst holding perpetrators to account.

What to refer: (high-risk) domestic abuse
Who can refer: cases can be referred by any professional agency.
Referral form: DA MARAC referral form (docx)

Community Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (C MARAC)

Organised by Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (Community Safety) and Police
Chair: Chief Inspector of Neighbourhoods
Meets: monthly

C MARAC looks at complex and high-risk cases of anti-social behaviour, hate crime, and risks to the wider community.

What to refer: anti-social behaviour, hate crime
Who can refer: cases can be referred by any professional agency.
Referral form: Community MARAC referral form (docx)

More information about C MARAC

High Risk Panel

Organised by Adult Social Care and London Fire Brigade on behalf of the H&F Safeguarding Adults Board

Chair: Borough Fire Commander and Adult Social Care Strategic Lead
Meets: 6-weekly basis

The panel will consider case presentations for high-risk situations which have already been considered within partner agencies risk assessment processes, multi-agency frameworks, and escalation pathways, and where there remains a significant risk. This could include risk within the following areas:

  • home fire safety and/or hoarding
  • unwillingness or inability to tend to personal care, health and living conditions
  • ongoing needs or behaviour which places a person at significant risk.

For more guidance, please see the Terms of Reference:

What to refer: Self-neglect, cases where previous multi-agency interventions have not worked, or where person at risk of 'falling through gaps'.
Who can refer: Cases can be referred by team manager or equivalent within any professional agency.

Referral form:


Street Population Action Partnership (SPAP)

Organised by Housing Solutions
Chair: co-chaired by the Prevention and Rough Sleeping Commissioning Manager and the Community Safety Manager
Meets: monthly

SPAP is a multi-agency meeting for cases of entrenched rough sleeping or people experiencing homelessness who are engaged in street activity and/or Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) that is placing themselves or others at risk of harm.

What to refer: homelessness, risk of homelessness, entrenched rough sleeping, street activity, anti-social behaviour (by homeless people)
Who can refer: cases can be referred by any professional agency.
Referral form: Street Population Action Partnership referral form (docx)

Channel Panel

Organised by Prevent
Chair: Chief Community Safety Officer (RBKC) & Assistant Director of Quality, Safety and Performance.
Meets: monthly

Channel Panel offers a wrap-around support service for individuals who have been exhibiting vulnerabilities to radicalisation into extremism.

What to refer: radicalisation, extremism, fundamentalism
Who can refer: cases can be referred by anyone – police, local authority officers, NHS, education staff, or friends and family of the individual.
Referral form: Prevent referral form (docx)

Safeguarding Adolescent at Risk Panel (SARP)

Organised by Children's Services
Chair: Head of Safeguarding (Children's), Heads of Youth Offending, & Exploitation Lead for Children's Services
Meets: monthly

SARP looks at cases of young people who are experiencing or at risk of extra-familial harm, including gangs, serious youth violence, and exploitation.

What to refer: gangs, gang violence, gang exploitation
Who can refer: cases can be referred by frontline practitioners (Social Workers and YOS Workers), however partners can raise concerns about cases and request they be brought to panel.
Referral form: Safeguarding Adolescents Risk Assessment and Management Tool (and referral form) (docx)

Safeguarding Adults Case Review Group (SACRG)

Organised by H&F Safeguarding Adults Board
Chair: co-chaired by the Assistant Director for Adult Safeguarding (ASC) and Detective Chief Inspector (Met Police)
Meets: bi-monthly

The Safeguarding Adults Care Review Group is a sub-group of the H&F Safeguarding Adult Board (SAB), which has a statutory duty to undertake a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) if an adult with care and support needs has died, or would have died without intervention, because of abuse or neglect, and there is concern that partner agencies could have worked together more effectively to protect the adult. Such cases should be referred to the SACRG which will recommend whether it meets the statutory criteria for a SAR. The SACRG will also consider cases where it may be beneficial for a discretionary SAR to be undertaken.

What to refer: cases which appear to meet above criteria, as set out in Section 44 of the Care Act
Who can refer: cases can be referred by any partner agencies once each organisation's internal governance processes have been followed
Referral form:


Multi-Agency Public Protection Agency (MAPPA)

Organised by Probation
Chair: L2 meetings chaired by Senior Probation Officers and Metropolitan Police Detective Inspector. L3 meetings chaired by Probation Service Manager and Metropolitan Police Superintendent or Chief Inspector.
Meets: monthly

MAPPA looks at high-risk qualifying individuals who have committed primarily sexual and violent offending. However, the panel also discuss a wider range of offenders from individuals convicted of serious or repeat domestic abuse to individuals who present a significant risk to themselves or the public through mental ill health. Many of the individuals discussed will be under some form of management either on Probation Licence, Registered Sex Offenders, or under the Mental Health Act, but this is not a qualifying factor.

What to refer: n/a
Who can refer: cases can be referred by the National Probation Service, Police, and Mental Health.
Referral form: Multi-Agency Public Protection Agency (MAPPA) referral form (docx)

Ending Gang Violence and Exploitation (EGVE)

Organised by Gangs, Violence and Exploitation Unit (Community Safety)
Chair: Gangs, Violence and Exploitation Unit Manager and Police Gangs Unit Sergeant
Meets: monthly

EGVE looks at complex and high risk EGVE cases (involving those 18 years of age and older), with the aim of disrupting criminal and harmful exploitative behaviour relating to gang violence using the varied powers, responsibilities, and roles of multi-agency partners. It aims to ensure appropriate support is provided to those involved in, or at risk of becoming involved in gangs, to manage risk of exploitation, criminal behaviour, and violence, including providing support to those who wish to exit a gang lifestyle.

What to refer: gangs, gang violence, gang exploitation, serious youth violence.
Who can refer: cases can be referred by any professional agency.
Referral form: Ending Gang Violence and Exploitation (EGVE) referral form (docx)

Cuckooing Group

Organised by Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (Community Safety)
Chair: Anti-Social Behaviour Unit Manager
Meets: monthly

Cuckooing Group looks at identified or suspected cases of cuckooing (a practice whereby a person or people take over the home of a vulnerable person and use the property for their own benefit, e.g. to facilitate exploitation or to establish a base for criminal activity, such as drug dealing).

What to refer: cuckooing, material/financial abuse
Who can refer: cases can be referred by any professional agency.
Referral form: Cuckooing Safeguarding Group (CSG) referral form (docx)

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