Barkrun: Non-stop CaniX

Welcome to Non-stop Dogwear's the Barkrun!

21 September 2024
11.00am to 4.00pm

Join us in London for a fun and active day with your dog together with hundreds of other dogs and their owners. Support animal welfare with every step! All profits will be donated to the Mayhew animal welfare charity.

Complete a 1-mile course with your training buddy in any way you like! Whether you walk, jog, run or roll, the choice is yours. Meet Non-stop Dogwear’s team and learn how to be active with your dog. Get inspired by our brand’s ambassadors and test out demonstration gear during your loop.

You can complete as many loops as you like and follow the results on a live timing board!

Treat your dog with a doggy cupcake when you are done with your loop.


Be the first one to discover and try a brand-new Non-stop Dogwear product. Our dedicated team of dog sports experts will help you select the perfect gear for you and your dog.

Entry fee: £5 per participant. You can complete as many loops as you wish. All entry fees will be donated to Mayhew animal welfare charity.


Do I have to be good at running?

All levels are welcome to join, the goal is to have fun while being active together. Whether you walk, jog, run or roll, the choice is yours.

Is there a specific start time?

There is no start time. Complete as many loops as you like between 12:00 and 17:00.

Can I participate with two or more dogs?

You can join with as many dogs as you’d like.

Can I buy Non-stop Dogwear gear at the event?

Yes, our team will be selling gear.




Wormwood Scrubs
Scrubs Lane
White City
W12 0DF
United Kingdom

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