Service hours
Our noise and nuisance service operates 7 days a week, 8am to 3am, including weekends and bank holidays except for Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Report a noise or nuisance
To report a noise or nuisance happening now:
- During office hours: 020 8753 1081
- Outside office hours: 020 8748 8588
To report an ongoing noise or nuisance complaint which is not ongoing at the moment or outside service hours:
Report noise or nuisance online
If you submit a complaint using the online form, an officer will review your complaint within 2 working days. If the noise is happening now, please call the numbers above.
Or email:
Our privacy policy
Noise and nuisance privacy policy
The Environmental Public Protection Nuisance Team (EPPNT) (formerly Noise and Nuisance Team) will investigate
Domestic noise:
- excessively loud music,
- loud TV or radio
- excessive dog barking or other noisy domestic animals
- excessively loud voices (shouting) and parties
- DIY noises at unreasonable times
- car and house alarms
- construction site noise or dust pollution
- bonfires and burning
- nuisance from odours, dust, smoke and artificial light.
Commercial noise:
- mechanical plant and machinery noise
- amplified noise including music
- construction noise (particularly outside of reasonable hours)
- licensed premises
Other types of nuisance:
- smoke from bonfires
- odours from commercial premises
- dust nuisance
- light nuisance
- high hedges
What the EPPNT are unable to investigate:
- impact noise from footfall, children playing or slamming doors
- noise associated with poor sound insulation
- smells from cigarette smoke
- noisy construction works within permitted times using reasonable construction methods
- noise from people in the street, communal areas, parks and other outside areas.
- odours arising from a domestic dwelling
Noise from aircraft and helicopters
The council does not have any legal powers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 or the Noise Act 1996 to take direct action against noisy aircraft or helicopters flying over the borough. However, we support residents by responding to government consultations on relevant aviation and noise issues such as opposing a third runway at Heathrow.
If you have a complaint about noise from aircraft, residents are encouraged to complain directly to Heathrow.
You can also complain about noise from London Heliport or helicopters using the Heliport.
For general guidance about overflying helicopters or aircraft, see the Civil Aviation Authority's noise guide.
What you can expect of us
- If reporting a noise 'happening now' within service hours an officer will call you back as soon as they are available.
- The team will assess and prioritise complaints based on case history, the nature of the disturbance, the number of residents affected and geographic location.
- During periods of high demand a visit may not be possible straight away.
- When witnessing noise officers will determine if it is unreasonable, if it is likely to amount to a nuisance and whether it is appropriate and safe to approach the noise maker.
- Where a statutory nuisance is witnessed for an ongoing case, the case will be reviewed within 3 working days to determine the next course of action.
- If you or your neighbour is a social housing tenant, we will share any evidence obtained with the landlord for their own action.
- We will keep your details confidential and will not release them to the subject of a complaint (without your explicit permission).
What we expect of you
- We cannot investigate or prioritise anonymous complaints.
- If the noise ceases before officers attend, call the service to cancel your visit request.
- If issued with a noise diary or diary app, you will accurately fill and complete the diary sheet and return it within six weeks.
- In interactions with officers on the phone and in person residents are expected to be courteous and adhere to social distancing requests.
- You may be asked to provide a supporting statement in cases where enforcement action is necessary.
- You will allow access to your home if officers need to assess noise within it.
- You will provide clear and accurate information about the nature of your complaint including the duration and frequency of the noise.
Enforcement policy
Construction guidance
All sites and construction operatives must adhere to the Councils Code of Construction Practice. A copy of the code together with guidance on construction works can be found on the council's construction webpage.