Cycling and Walking Residents Commission

The commission

This residents commission is working with Hammersmith & Fulham Council to improve cycling and walking facilities across the borough for those living, working and visiting the area.

The commission members include residents, volunteers and local organisations.

The vision

The commission’s overarching vision is to contribute to and oversee on behalf of the council’s residents, businesses and workers the delivery of cycling and walking improvements within the borough, creating a long-lasting group to oversee future projects within the borough with some continued members and additional members invited to join the commission.                   

The current phase of the commission focuses on a public realm scheme to improve the environment for users of King Street, Hammersmith Road and the A4 by creating a safer public space and improving the experience for all users with an emphasis on cyclists and pedestrians.

The methods

The commission will work with the council and their partners to assist in the development of the design proposals, capable of being delivered in-line with the project’s established timetable and budgetary constraints, and in-keeping with the needs and aspirations of local residents and workers.

The commission will:

  • Seek to understand residents’ needs and aspirations for the area under consideration;
  • Ensure consideration of the requirements of all users, particularly vulnerable users and those less confident in cycling and walking;
  • Consider and find an appropriate balance for all the competing needs for public space along the route;
  • Contribute to a scheme which is in-line with the time, budget and other constraints attached to the project’s funding; and
  • Assist the council in ensuring their duties towards equalities and tackling the climate emergency are met.

And the objectives are to:

  • Increase popularity of cycling / scooters (and other forms of micromobility) for all users and to encourage new users
  • Enable an uptake in people walking as opposed to using the car
  • Improve bus journey times / reliability
  • Enhance the quality and inclusiveness of the environment
  • Improve road safety both on the route and the surrounding network

The commissioners

The commission is chaired by Councillor Iain Cassidy, Walking, Cycling and Healthy Streets Champion for the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. ­

The commissioners are:

  • Cllr Iain Cassidy (Chair)
  • Adrienne Clarke
    • Adrienne Clarke has lived on Brook Green for almost 15 years and is an active member of the community. She is a Director of the local friends group, chair of her local residents group and a member of the Ward Action Group. 
  • Andrew Proctor  
  • Carley Bright  
  • Casey Abaraonye
  • Henrietta Bewley 
  • Michiel Broker 
  • Nigel Walley
  • Ozan Erder
    • Ozan is the current Member of Youth Parliament for Hammersmith & Fulham and is 18 years old. His role on this commission is to voice the views and concerns of the Youth Council on the proposed schemes, and consider how they could be designed to meet the wider needs of young people.
  • Richard Farthing
    • Membership Secretary and Digital Editor for the Hammersmith Society, the civic society representing 3200 local residents and businesses either directly or by affiliation. The Society's aim, following its strapline, is to preserve and and enhance Hammersmith's environment by maximising the benefits for the whole population, and by minimising possible impacts on pedestrians and buses in particular. A Chartered Engineer by profession, Richard has worked on product developments in the UK, Europe and USA, and on major public transport projects in the UK and Far East.
  • Roger De Freitas
  • Sam Bailey
  • Sara Chiappara
  • Steve Askins
  • Cycling and Walking Residents Commission Terms of reference


    1 Purpose

    This document outlines the Terms of Reference for the residents commission for the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham proposed cycling and walking scheme for King Street, Hammersmith Road and the A4.

    The scheme is seeking to delivery improvements to the public highway and a Residents Commission has been established to allow residents to shape safer cycling and walking facilities in Hammersmith and ensure residents voices are heard as the design principles are progressed.

    2 The commission’s vision and context

    The commission’s overarching vision is to contribute to and oversee on behalf of LBHF residents, businesses and workers the delivery of cycling and walking improvements within the borough, creating a long-lasting group to oversee future projects within the Borough with some continued members and additional members invited to join the commission.

    This phase of the commission will focus on a public realm scheme which improves the environment for users of King Street, Hammersmith Road and the A4 by creating a safer public space and improving the experience for all users with an emphasis on cyclists and pedestrians.

    Through a series of workshops, a number of design principles will be reviewed and discussed by the commission members with council officers and industry experts contributing and working alongside the commission members. Outcomes agreed by the commission will be led by a consensus of the views of residents, businesses and workers of the area while also considering the impacts on climate change.

    2.1 Purpose of the commission

    LBHF are working with Transport for London to improve the appearance, layout and accessibility of the Hammersmith Road, Kings Street and A4 transport corridors for cyclists and pedestrians.

    In keeping with the council’s philosophy of ‘Doing things with residents, not to them’, the council has decided to set up a resident commission which will oversee the design process to ensure the scheme which is delivered is one which reflects the needs and aspirations of the local community.

    2.2. The Role and Scope of the commission

    The commission is a group of residents and workers who alongside experts and officers have been tasked with overseeing the design of a walking and cycling improvement scheme along the length of Kings Street, Hammersmith Road and the A4.

    The Commission will consider a range of evidence in determining the design principles of the improvement scheme. To inform the members an evidence base and a catalogue of information will be provided including:

    • Summaries of LBHF’s Vision for Hammersmith and Fulham regarding cycling, walking and the town centre and Transport for London’s and the Mayor’s vision for cycling and walking
    • Details to inform the commission members on the existing site conditions including land uses, traffic numbers, parking and loading demand, accident and air quality data and cycling and walking facilities;
    • Case studies of similar schemes both within Hammersmith and elsewhere in the UK and internationally; and
    • Guidance and details of design standards and principles to inform decisions made by the commission. Topics to include street scape design elements such as crossing points and junctions, bus stops, options for greening and street furniture and materials and buildability.

    The role of the commissioners is to:

    • Seek to understand residents’ needs and aspirations for the area under consideration;
    • Ensure consideration of the requirements of all users, particularly vulnerable users and those less confident in cycling and walking;
    • Consider and find an appropriate balance for all the competing needs for public space along the route;
    • Contribute to a scheme which is in-line with the time, budget and other constraints attached to the project’s funding; and
    • Assist the Council in ensuring their duties towards equalities and tackling the climate emergency are met.

    2.2 Membership of the commission

    The commission is chaired by Councillor Iain Cassidy, Walking, Cycling and Healthy Streets Champion for the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. In addition to Councillor Cassidy, the commission is comprised of representatives from across the community including:

    • {Insert name}

    3 Method of operation

    The task of the commission is to work with the council, Transport for London, and other partners to produce a design which, taking into account practical constraints, delivers a scheme meeting the needs and aspirations of the local community.

    Following the group’s inaugural meeting and confirmation of members a series of workshops will follow. These workshops will each focus on a group of design principles and a recommendation will be concluded upon by the members to be passed to the scheme’s Project Board for incorporation into the design development. It is envisaged that six fortnightly workshops will take place.

    During workshops certain groups will be invited to attend to discuss specific matters, including groups such as: local schools, accessibility groups, design champions and greening and tree experts.

    Due to Covid-19 restrictions in place at the formation of the commission, meetings will be held via teleconference with the aspiration to meet in person in the second half of the commissions life cycle. Teleconference meetings will be recorded and made available to Commission members for a limited time after the meeting. Recordings will be deleted upon conclusion of the Commission.

    4 Timescales

    The commission is intended to last 3 to 4 months, commencing in May 2020 and with a series of workshops to progress the essential input required to progress to detailed design for the scheme.

    There may be a further opportunity for the commission to meet to evaluate the realisation of the scheme.

    5 Outputs

    The commission will work with the council, Transport for London and other partners to assist in the development of the design proposals, capable of being delivered in-line with the project’s established timetable and budgetary constraints, and in-keeping with the needs and aspirations of local residents and workers. The intended outputs include:

    • Recommendations on Design Principles and details where appropriate
    • End of commission summary report
    • Strong local group of sustainable transport champions with knowledge of design principles with the hope of continuing the commission in some form for future cycling and walking improvement schemes.

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