Inclusive Environment Disabled Residents Team

What is the role of the Inclusive Environment Disabled Residents Team? (IE DRT)

The IE DRT provides the energy, leadership and strategic advice to ensure a positive accessible experience for all, including Disabled people in an accessible and inclusive street environment. 

It supports the council to ensure “Nothing About Disabled People Without Disabled People” and that everyone is ruthlessly inclusive. 

This means:

  • Disabled residents sharing their lived experience of barriers they face every day
  • inclusive design standards embedded in design and delivery of both capital and maintenance projects on transport, highway and other street environments in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • inclusive design standards embedded throughout the revised H&F StreetSmart guidance
  • implementing priority areas of work for an accessible and inclusive street environment in Hammersmith and Fulham
  • accessible and inclusive information and communication with Disabled residents.

IE DRT encourages a culture of co-production in the Environment department that enables all residents to actively engage with the council, as true and equal partners, to make Hammersmith & Fulham a borough that values and respects the equality and diversity of ALL its residents.

Who is on the group?

Jane Wilmot

Jane Wilmot OBE: IE DRT Resident Co-Chair

Russell Trewartha: H&F Assistant Director of Capital Projects Co-Chair

Annie Baker: Assistant Director of Street Environment Services and Environment Department Co-Production Champion

Up to 12 Disabled Residents

How often do the group meet?

The group will meet around 10 times each year and members will be paid £20 per hour for their attendance at meetings. We will make sure meetings are held in an inclusive way so that everyone can take part.

Join Hammersmith & Fulham Inclusive Environment Disabled Residents Team!

This is an exciting opportunity to join a forward-thinking team that co-produce ideas and solutions with the council’s Environment department, to help remove barriers experienced by disabled residents with a focus on full access to our environment and a fully accessible transport system. The team will use a Social Model of Disability and a human rights way of working in all its work.

We are looking for self-identified Disabled residents with enthusiasm, commitment, and lived experience of the built environment. Members will be paid for their attendance at meetings, and the group will meet around 10 times per year working together to deliver change in the neighbourhood.

Find out more about this role and how to apply.

Invitation to Disabled residents to apply to join the H&F Inclusive Environment Disabled Residents Team

Closing date for applications: Friday 5 July 2024 

Who to contact

For further information contact or 07468 709 930.

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