Moving home or change of circumstances

When and how to tell us about a move or change of household circumstance so we can send you an updated council tax bill.

Moving home

If you are moving home, we need to make sure you receive the correct council tax bill.

You can use this form to tell us if you are

  • moving out of the borough
  • moving in to the borough
  • moving within the borough

Tell us you're moving or about a change of circumstances

You will need to tell us

  • your old or current address
  • your new address
  • your moving date

You can use the move in move out option in your My Account, register now if you haven't already or Manage your council tax in My Account

Changes in your family and household circumstances

You'll need to let us know if there are changes in your family and household circumstances. For example:

  • changes to your family situation (divorce, marriage or separation)
  • if you are receiving a single occupier discount but somebody else has moved in to your home
  • you want to apply for sole occupier discount
  • if you wish to add someone to your council tax bill
  • the council tax payer has passed away
  • if your income changes (if you have seen a reduction in your income and are struggling to pay your council tax bill, you may be eligible for council tax support.

Tell us you're moving or about a change of circumstances

Use the tell us if there are any changes to people who live in the property or any other change of occupancy

Council tax team

Council tax general enquiry

  • H&F Council, PO Box: 1453, London W6 9UU
  • 020 8753 6681 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (our telephone self-service system will be available outside office hours)

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