Councillors, committees and decisions

Information about council committees, meetings, councillors and how decisions are made.


You can search for your councillor using the ward, name or postcode search.

Find your councillor

You can also view all councillor information including contact details and roles of councillors, their statutory declarations of interests and gifts and hospitality received.

Council calendar

Council meeting calendar

Committee agendas, reports and minutes

Search committee documents

Access our archive of past and present committees:

We try to ensure that as much information as possible about the work of these committees is publically available but we have to withhold certain items from publication to protect sensitive information.

Watch live stream or recordings of council meetings

Most of our public meetings are live streamed on YouTube. You can either watch live, or watch a recording of the meeting on the council's  YouTube channel.

You can also find links to live streams on our meeting pages and on the front of our meeting agendas. You can view our upcoming meetings on the council meetings calendar.

Stay in touch

Subscribe to e-alerts

Stay in touch by signing up to electronic copies of agendas and minutes for individual committees.

Take part in the democratic process

Find out how you can get involved in the democratic process - including petitions, public questions to council, and deputations.


Read about the council's scrutiny committees and their key responsibilities.

Councillors’ allowances

Councillors receive a financial allowance for carrying out their roles and responsibilities. Below you can view the current allowances scheme and see what allowances were paid out in the last five financial years.

Councillors’ gifts and hospitality

Our constitution

The council's constitution sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that it is efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.


Financial Regulations provide the regulatory and governance framework which directs the way Hammersmith & Fulham Council undertakes its financial activities including financial planning, budget setting, budget monitoring, and closing of the accounts.

Contract Standing Orders govern all contractual arrangements made by, or on behalf of, the council for the carrying out of works or for the supply of goods, materials or services. This includes all types of procurements, re-lets, direct awards, variations, novations, extensions and any other contractual transactions which the council enters into.

MPs and GLA representative

Find out who your MPs and GLA representative are.

Outside bodies and local government organisations

Every year, the council is approached by the Local Government Association, the London Councils and other key local government bodies to nominate representatives to their committees or boards. These representatives work on committees which lobby the government and develop policy which affects local authorities.

The council is also approached by local community organisations and charities to nominate people to their management boards or as trustees or directors. The council acknowledges the significant contribution that these organisations make to the social fabric of our borough.

On our outside bodies and local government organisations page you can find a list of all current outside bodies and local government organisations the council has appointed representatives to.


On our transparency page you can find information on senior officer salaries, spending on suppliers and contracts, our asset register, parking, and more.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council adopted a new constitution which sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that it is efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the council to choose.

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