Spacehive guidance

H&F Hive goes green

The H&F Hive helps crowdfund community projects in Hammersmith & Fulham. As a project creator you can bid for council funding and support to help bring your idea to life.

To align with our plans to be net zero as a borough by 2030, we want to support all projects on the H&F Hive to: 

  • At minimum, do no harm to the environment
  • Where possible, actively contribute towards reducing emissions and restoring biodiversity

We’ve developed the guidance below to support project creators on this collective journey. This was co-produced with Spacehive project creators.

Guidance for project creators

There are 5 areas for all projects to consider. These align with the 5 themes in our Climate Action Plan.

When you create your project, you will be asked to explain how you are considering each of these areas. Some ideas to help you get started are listed below.

For more advice about building climate and ecology into your project, please contact

  • Buildings

    Has this project considered how to reduce the energy it uses in buildings and equipment, or use renewable energy?

  • Travel

    Does this project use low-emissions transport (walking, cycling, electric vehicles), or encourage others to?

    • Use e-cargo bikes or electric vehicles for deliveries (see Parcels Not Pollution)
    • Work with volunteers who live locally to reduce the need to travel
    • Install cycle infrastructure (for example, bike locking) to encourage active travel
    • Support staff, volunteers and visitors to walk, cycle or use public transport
    • Set up a ‘walking bus’ to events supporting visitors to walk safely together
    • Provide bicycles or support visitors to access bicycles
    • Promote free cycle training schemes (see TfL free cycle training)
  • Consumption

    Does this project take steps to purchase new products less frequently and with sustainability in mind, or help others to do so? 

    • Use second-hand, borrowed, or recycled materials, furniture, devices(e.g. REWORK for white goods, British Heart Foundation North End Road for furniture, Freecycle, Sharebee)
    • Work with sustainable local suppliers (see Ultra Low Emission Suppliers Directory)
    • Provide vegetarian or vegan food, or reduce availability of meat and dairy
    • Run cooking classes to help people cook from scratch, and reduce packaging and waste
    • Use zero-waste shops (see Useless.London)
    • Work with local organisations to share surplus food (e.g. City Harvest , Felix Project)
    • Use re-usable cups, plates and materials rather than single use
    • Incorporate litter-picking to outdoor activities (see Plogging)
    • Compost or separate out food waste
  • Ecology

    Does this project make space for nature, or help others to do so?

    • Run education programmes for volunteers to learn more about gardening for nature
    • Create a community garden to increase residents’ connection with nature
    • Plant native plants or perennials
    • Provide space for animals (for example, long grass areas, bird boxes, bat boxes, “insect hotels”, etc.)
    • Grow flowers and plants from seed
    • Reduce trimming of grass and hedges, and reduce use of pesticides
    • Set up a seed-sharing network
    • Link in with local Friends Of groups to bring expertise in growing into projects
  • Adapting to climate change

    Has this project considered how to conserve water, and reduce the impact of high heat and flooding?

    • Install water-saving devices in taps, showers and toilets
    • Use a rain butt to harvest water for growing
    • Make sure buildings are well ventilated
    • Consider exterior shades, blinds or white roof paint
    • Plant shade- or drought-tolerant plants, including green roofs and walls
    • Remove hard surfacing and increase green space
    • Tree planting to help with drainage

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