School staff zone newsletters

School staff zone newsletter guidelines

Guidance on submitting items for inclusion in the school staff zone e-newsletter

Summer term 2024

H&F School Staff Zone 15 July 2024

  1. SEND Local Offer website
  2. Music Hub
  3. SENIF Funding 
  4. Music Makers Summer Reading Challenge
  5. Become a Bikeability Instructor for FREE
  6. Central London Teaching School Hub: Programme Update 2023-2024
  7. Supporting parents and caregivers on their child’s toilet training journey
  8. Retirement tea for Marie Thomas
  9. School Ground Green Audit EOI
  10. School Eco-Refill Shop
  11. Prevent News – Summer 2024 (2 of 2)

H&F School Staff Zone 8 July 2024

  1. Community Schools Determined Admission Arrangements 2025 
  2. Free School Meals auto enrollment
  3. Measles epidemic webinar
  4. Support for residents with applying for jobs
  5. Car Free Day 

H&F School Staff Zone 1 July 2024

  1. Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Training 
  2. Maths Hub Offer for 2024/25
  3. Moderate GLA Air Quality Alert for LBHF (School)
  4. New low-cost hockey competition for boroughs’ state schools
  5. TfL Travel for Life Application Deadline 
  6. What do Creative skills mean for your pupils? Come to our Creative Skills Reveal at Lyric Hammersmith
  7. LBHF Climate Summit Teachers Network

H&F School Staff Zone 24 June 2024

H&F School Staff Zone 17 June 2024

H&F School Staff Zone 10 June 2024

  1. SBM meeting on 27.6.24
  2. Family Hubs
  3. Virtual School Offer
  4. Lyric Theatre re Fangirls
  5. Imperial College re Makerspace 2024 Summer
  6. Free School Meals
  7. Music Hub
  8. Secondary Transfer 2025
  9. Riverside Studios re Floods, Fire and Sunshine
  10. CHS Health & Safety 

H&F School Staff Zone 3 June 2024

  1. FREE Transition to secondary workshop for year 6 AND their parents/carers in H&F
  2. SENCO Forum
  3. LA AB ECT Induction Summer 2024 update 1
  4. Summer Term Data Collections
  5. Enhanced Supervised Tooth Brushing Programme

H&F School Staff Zone 20 May 2024

  1. Free Holiday Activities. 
  2. EYFS transfer support (Transitions). 
  3. Health Visiting Experiences Survey produced by Public Health in H&F council. 
  4. New SENIF funding application form, audit and criteria. 
  5. Prevent service reminder.
  6. Have your say: Council survey on school food provision . 
  7. The National Child Safeguarding Review Panel webinars. 
  8. Final call FREE Transition to Secondary Workshop. 
  9. Summer Term Data Collections. 
  10. SSZ Refugee Week 17 to 23 June 2024. 
  11. Secondary Ofsted Event - London 6 Heads Together for Mastery. 

H&F School Staff Zone 13 May 2024

  1. Talk Consent – Effective Education to Tackle Sexual Violence. 
  2. Part-time timetable arrangements. 
  3. Summer 2024 Pupil Census date – 16 May 2024. 
  4. Free Holiday Activities. 

H&F School Staff Zone 7 May 2024

  1. Fox Federation Summer Courses 2024
  2. Vaping awareness week
  3. Confident Parent Happy Child
  4. LBHF Headteacher Annual Conference 2024
  5. Protective Security advice for Education settings
  6. Family Hubs in H&F now open
  7. Free Family learning Saturday workshops

CORRECTION: H&F School Staff Zone 29 April 2024

  1. Schools Benefitting from the Music Hub
  2. Central London Teaching School Hub: Programme Update 2023-2024
  3. H&F Schools Vaping Awareness Week
  4. School Site Staff Forum
  5. FREE Transition to Secondary Workshop
  6. Have your say survey : Help us make H&F an autism friendly borough

H&F School Staff Zone 22 April 2024

  1. UKHSA London Region: We’re making changes on 16 April 2024
  2. Strengthening Families Strengthening Community
  3. Have your say survey : Help us make H&F an autism friendly borough

H&F School Staff Zone 15 April 2024

  1. UKSHA team changes
  2.  Cycle training and maintenance
  3. LSCP training needs analysis
  4. New SENIF funding application form, audit and criteria
  5. Active Minds mental wellbeing workshops for young people
  6. Schools to be moderated for KS2 writing
  7. Launch of our Family Hubs at Tudor Rose and Old Oak
  8. Royal Institution – free workshops on green science; DNA and chemistry

Spring term 2024

H&F School Staff Zone 25 March 2024

  1. Learning Partnership April CPD update
  2. Childcare costs support for parents 
  3. Play streets
  4. LSCP training needs analysis
  5. UK Youth Parliament youth mayoral election results
  6. Fox CPD update 
  7. Hammersmith Academy open house

H&F School Staff Zone 18 March 2024 

  1. Corporate Finance IFRS16 data return- Property only
  2. Central London Teaching School Hub
  3. Online training from H&F Virtual School
  4. Music Hubs Update
  5. DfE - senior mental health lead training grant update for London local authorities. 
  6. Wraparound childcare surveys

H&F School Staff Zone 11 March 2024

  1. Mentoring Conference
  2. SEND Induction
  3. Maths Hub
  4. Love White City
  5. Makerspace Technical Assistant
  6. Prevent News 
  7. Teaching Commission
  8. Vodcast for schools on the EYFS Profile
  9. Transition to Secondary Workshop

H&F School Staff Zone 4 March 2024

  1. The dangers of bringing foreign objects into school
  2. Network SENCo Forum Meeting 12th March 2024 2:30-4:30pm at Phoenix Academy
  3. Central London Teaching School Hub: Programme Update 2023-2024
  4. Hammersmith and Fulham Mudlarks Project 2023
  5. Prevent News – Spring Term 2024
  6. GLA feedback survey on London’s universal primary FSM offer
  7. Full Day ADHD Training- Understanding ADHD and how to support neurodivergent learners in the classroom
  8. VRU PRU/AP Mentoring - Training Opportunities
  9. Senior Mental Health Training

H&F School Staff Zone 26 February 2024

  1. SBM Network meeting 
  2. Lyric Theatre
  3. Designated Teacher news
  4. Imperial Clinical Research Facility Open Day
  5. Private Fostering 
  6. Domestic Abuse
  7. Alternative Provision 

H&F School Staff Zone 19 February 2024

  1. Designated Teacher news and updates
  2. Music Hub Services for Schools, 2024-2025 Academic Year 
  3. Central London Teaching School Hub: Programme Update 2023-2024 
  4. Spring SENIF deadline update 
  5. Corporate Finance IFRS16 data return- Property only 
  6. Invitation to attend a Fulham Cross Sixth Form and stem4 Year 12 student conference on Mental Health 
  7. Hammersmith & Fulham Multi-Agency SEND Induction 
  8. LGBTQ+ Art Competition Reminder
  9. Beat the streets

H&F School Staff Zone 5 February 2024

  1. Half term libraries 
  2. EYS Team Invite
  3. Fully-funded joint parent/carer and pupil PSHE opportunity in the community
  4. Young Carers Service
  5. School Charity Cheque Fraud Alert 
  6. LSCP. No attachments 

H&F School Staff Zone 29 January 2024

H&F School Staff Zone 22 January 2024

  1. Overcoming vaccine hesitancy – Webinar. Measles outbreak support 
  2. Scarlet Fever 
  3. Attachment training
  4. SENCO
  5. Beat the Streets (BTS)
  6. Music Hub 
  7. Cost of Living Booklet

H&F School Staff Zone 15 January 2024

  1. Borough flooding and heatwave survey
  2. CPD update. Learning Partnership
  3. GLA UFSM plus 2 attachments Letter for families January 2024 and USFM Letter for Headteachers
  4. White City Public Realm Strategy
  5. Spring Census 2024
  6. Restructuring and Redundancy Workshop
  7. English Hubs

H&F School Staff Zone 8 January 2024

  1. Cost of Living Crisis update
  2. Asthma (attachment)
  3. HMD 
  4. HR Single Central Record Training
  5. Internship Fair
  6. Attachment and trauma training for early years staff
  7. Budget session (finance)
  8. SENCO meeting
  9. GOV Training

Autumn term 2023

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 19 December 2023

  1. Cost of living crisis. No attachments 
  2. LAMDA. 2 attachments. QR code and PDF
  3. Winter festival 1 attachment. PDF
  4. Holocaust Memorial Event. No attachments
  5. EY Budget meeting. No attachments 
  6. Asthma Friendly school. 1 attachment
  7. Universal FSM. 2 attachments. Excel and PDF
  8. Fox Primary CPD Offer. 3 attachments. Programme, KS1 and KS2
  9. Neglect Conference. 1 attachment
  10. Prevent. 2 attachments. Global Acts

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 11 December 2023

  1. GLA Universal Primary Free School Meal Offer update and application for additional funding
  2. Attendance Hubs for Schools 
  3. Beat the Street
  4. Mainstream Schools Budget Update Briefing 2024/25 

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 4 December 2023

  1. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  2. Israel and Palestine 
  3. Crafts Council
  4. Learning Partnership CPD
  5. School Eco Refill Shop 
  6. New Childcare Survey
  7. The Childminder Start-up Grant Scheme is now open
  8. Bikeability

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 27 November 2023

  1. KS1 and KS2 Writing Moderator - applications invited for 2023/24
  2. Music Hub: Updates, Information & Opportunities
  3. Doctor You: An Adventure in Time and Space
  4. Children’s Environmental Parliament 2024

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 20 November 2023

  1. Young Persons MH
  2. TFL Pioneers
  3. Junior Road Watch
  4. GovernorHub
  5. Bridging the Gap

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 13 November 2023

  1. Admission Arrangements Consultation 2025-26 Fulham Cross Academy Trust
  2. Nurturing Talent Event 16/11/23 1pm to 3pm - Scale Space, Imperial College
  3. Maker Challenge | Applications open

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 6 November 2023

  1. Admission arrangements for Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School 
  2. MOPAC Training - Teachers Toolkit WAWG
  3. Coldstream Guards Awards
  4. Music Hub
  5. Fox 

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 30 October 2023

  1. Admission Arrangements Consultation Hammersmith Academy plus 2 x supporting PDFs
  2. Mayor of London Violence Reduction Unit plus Supporting pdf
  3. OAT Secondary Outreach Team plus supporting Flyer
  4. Tackling School Attendance National Conference
  5. IncludEd
  6. Leighton House - Cecil French

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 16 October 2023

  1. Let Me Play
  2. Autism
  3. LSCP
  4. Lyric re Metamophosis
  5. Lyric re Unicorn
  6. IncludEd Conference

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 9 October 2023

  1. Schools Budget Consultant plus document containing QR code information
  2. Moderators from Chris Cosker
  3. Coldstream Guard Awards
  4. SENIF Funding plus 3 x supporting Word documents.
  5. Teachers Reading Group plus supporting poster
  6. SBM Meeting together with 2 x supporting PDF documents Agenda & Minutes
  7. Fox Primary Leadership Offer
  8. Lyric Panto and supporting flyer
  9. Industrial Strategy & Curriculum plus supporting document
  10. Hynocats
  11. Black History Month at Fulham Palace

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 2 October 2023

  1. H&F Mayoral Christmas Card Competition & School Visits
  2. LSCP Training Update: London Adultification workshops and more
  3. H&F Children and Young People Social, Emotional and Mental Health System Navigation Handbook for Professionals
  4. Winter Fuel Poverty support
  5. Micro-Scooter Competition
  6. The Land of The Different Senses and Cultural Imagination
  7. Part-time timetable arrangements

H&F School Staff Zone newsletter 25 September 2023

  1. Budget & finance workshops
  2. Completion of the School Census and the impact on LA high needs funding
  3. Autumn 2023 Pupil Census date – 5 October 2023
  4. Consultation on Admission Arrangement for 2025/26
  5. Fuel Poverty with supporting Word document
  6. Study day at Leighton House with supporting pdf
  7. My Family, Your Family – Author Laura Henry-Allain Book launch
  8. Prevent with supporting document
  9. Team Teach
  10. SENCO plus meeting flier
  11. KS2 Writing Moderator - applications invited for 2023/24

School staff zone 18 September 2023

  1. Inclusion Award Funding opportunity
  2. CPD Training Sessions from Learning Partnership
  3. DfE Survey on Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage
  4. Medical Needs Policy and Notification 
  5. 30 hours childcare entitlement
  6. PACEY’s Childminder Recruitment Drive – Package of support
  7. Generation Wild - Wetlands 
  8. LAMDA - Shakespear in schools tour
  9. Professional Development for Leaders, Teachers, Governors, and TAs
  10. Sands End Event for visually impaired people and families
  11. Leighton House - Cecil French 

School Staff Zone 11 September 2023

  1. Ace Requirements - Liz Spearman
  2. Pupils Profit - Laura Humphreys
  3. New to Subject Leadership information
  4. Standing Together Organisation
  5. LBHF Music Hub
  6. Asthma plus supporting Word document - toolkit
  7. Suicide Prevention and supporting pdf document Posters Altogether
  8. CPD from Fox, together with 3 x supporting pdf documents
  9. Lyric Education Opportunities
  10. Learnbox Opportunity - Jess Drader
  11. LSCP training Updates
  12. Training on sexual assault
  13. New SEND documents

Summer term 2023

School staff zone 17 July 2023

  1. Universal Free School Meal Provision
  2. Car Free Day, Play Street.
  3. Education Representation at the VAWG Children and Young People Operational Group
  4. Fox Federation ECT – EYFS Programme Offer Academic Year 2023-2024

10 July 2023 school staff zone

  1. Summer in the City - 2 weeks to go plus pdf flyer
  2. Central London Teaching School Hub
  3. Summer Reading Challenge with Richard Trow plus supporting document
  4. Family Maths Toolkit with supporting Word document
  5. Makerspace and supporting pdf document
  6. Fox CPD programme with supporting pdf document
  7. Virtual School Training Programme with supporting pdf 
  8. Coram Beanstalk
  9. LSCP
  10. Research Project
  11. Orchard
  12. Sickle Cell together with accompanying flyer
  13. Asthma together with accompanying flyer

03 July 2023 school staff zone

  • SAM Training for new staff in schools
  • Update of Roll & Attendance Counts in SAM
  • Three-week countdown to Summer in the City!
  • Turning Point - Hidden Harm Teacher Training Offer
  • Prevent News – Summer Term 2023 (2 of 2) plus Keeping Children safe online over the Summer holidays information
  • H&F Writers’ Festival 2023  - Events for children
  • FREE Transition to secondary workshop for year 6 and their parents/carers
  • Children’s Book Project plus Discovery Programme Gifting Mechanics

26 June 2023 school staff zone

  • Three-week countdown to Summer in the City Launch Event – Picnic in the Park - 15 July!
  • Music Makes Me 

19 June 2023 school staff zone

  1. Windrush Celebrations and supporting document containing programme of events
  2. Peace Garden at St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
  3. Superkind
  4. Lyric ‘Anarchist’ plus Flyer
  5. Life Skills for University plus Flyer
  6. SRC (Summer Reading Challenge) plus supporting document which is a jpg?
  7. Urban Flyers and supporting pdf
  8. E scooters

12 June 2023 school staff zone

  1. Transitions Conference
  2. LSCP courses
  3. Teaching remembrance
  4. Book Publication
  5. Central London Teaching School Hub

5 June 2023 school staff zone

  1. Secondary School Admissions application process – Transition session information
  2. Brilliant Parents Triple P parenting workshops
  3. LA AB ECT Induction Summer 2023 update 2
  4. Central London Teaching School Hub: Programme Update 2023-2024
  5. Adult and family learning classes 
  6. The Big Weekend 24-25 June 2023
  7. Turn your neighbourhood into a Play Street
  8. FREE Transition to Secondary Workshops Available
  9. Cycle Training

22 May 2023 school staff zone

  1. Digital Education/Computer and Coding Course for Afghan Girls
  2. LSCP Training: Free online workshop - Information Sharing Guidance
  3. Summer term at Fulham Palace
  4. LSCP – Local Safeguarding Children Partnership
  5. Closure of King Fahad Academy
  6. ACE Penalty Notice Referral Form
  7. DanceWest festival is nice for SSZ

15 May 2023 school staff zone

  1. Careers day at the Goethe Institut, together with supporting document
  2. Prevent News with 2 supporting documents.
  3. LSCP together with supporting document.
  4. Part time timetables together with briefing document
  5. School Girls at Lyric, together with 3 supporting documents - please use whichever easiest for you.
  6. Goethe photography
  7. CLTSH

9 May school 2023 staff zone

  1. LA AB ECT Induction Summer 2023 update 1
  2. Get Our Families Ready for Winter 2023/23
  3. The English Chamber Orchestra presents… The Gazillium Music Machine and other stories
  4. Schools’ Air quality Monitoring for Health and Education (SAMHE) - free air quality resource for schools
  5. Music House for Children
  6. Emergency First Aid at Work
  7. First Aid at Work

2 May 2023 school staff zone 

  1. The TCS Mini London Marathon in schools, 17 April -12 May
  2. Your school could benefit from free cycle training – sign up now
  3. The nominations for the London Borough Apprenticeship Awards are now open!
  4. Calling young Londoners ahead of Clean Air Day
  5. Summer Assessment Collections
  6. Summer Assessments EYFSP 2023
  7. Central London Teaching School Hub: Programme Update 2023-2024
  8. Transition to Secondary Workshop

24 April 2023 school staff zone

  1. Fully Funded Exchange trips to Germany for Young People
  2. Ready, Steady, CONNECT! – NOW RECRUITING FOR 2023!!
  3. Dot Dot Fire Money Wise Challenge
  4. Urban Tech Schools Challenge
  5. DFE Mental Health Training
  6. Young Minds fighting for children and young people's mental health.

17 April 2023 school staff zone

  1. Hammersmith and Fulham Mudlarks Project 2023
  2. 75th Anniversary Of The Empire Windrush
  3. Gymnastics and Dance Education
  4. Speech and Language Therapy Early Years Training
  5. Urban Tech Schools Challenge
  6. Polio vaccine booster campaign: London

Spring term 2023

27 March 2023 school staff zone

  1. SALT free sessions
  2. Funpact re transition to Sec. school from Primary
  3. Mudlarks
  4. Stem Monitoring
  5. Primary Plant Science in Action
  6. Easter Holiday fun from Let Me Play
  7. Music Hub from Triborough Music
  8. Urban Tech Schools Challenge
  9. Free family Saturday workshops at Ravenscourt Park Glasshouses

20 March 2023 school staff zone

  1. Easter Activities 2023
  2. Climate education Survey
  3. Gymnastics and Acro dance
  4. LBHF ECT Spring Term
  5. Ormiston Bridge Academy 
  6. CLTSH - Sophie Noke
  7. Storymakers Portal
  8. Measles vaccine reminder

13 March 2023 school staff zone

  1. Fanny Eaton at Riverside Studios
  2. Open House Careers - Hammersmith Academy plus accompanying flyer
  3. CPD -end of Spring Term 2023

6 March 2023 school staff zone

  1. Music Hub
  2. Women’s History Month SOPHIA
  3. Free homework support for Refugees
  4. Spring ECT Induction update 1
  5. Cre8tive Resources for PSHE
  6. Central London Teaching School Hub: ECT Programme and IT
  7. 23-24 School Budget Shares
  8. Mini Marathon
  9. Water Only Survey
  10. Join The Big Build for Science Week! 

27 February 2023 school staff zone

  1. Xenogenesis 
  2. SBM Meeting 9 March Agenda and previous meeting notes
  3. Music Hub
  4. Arts Prize plus supporting flyer

20 February 2023 school staff zone 

  1. Healthy London relationships re AVA
  2. School Employment Law Conference
  3. Independent review Panels plus supporting Word document ACE Exclusion model letter
  4. Free grants for outside spaces: London Sports Trust
  5. National Children Measurement Programme plus supporting Word document for school governors
  6. Free Tax Childcare by HMRC plus supporting PDF document
  7. Winnie the Pooh event plus accompanying flyer

9 February 2023 school staff zone extra

  1. Independent Review Panel (IRP)
  2. London Sports
  3. Half term careers event - Ready, Steady, Connect!
  4. Against Violence And Abuse

5 February 2023 school staff zone

  1. Brilliant Parents Triple P parenting workshops
  2. Supported Internship - request to schools
  3. Half Term list of activities 
  4. Numeracy for Support Staff
  5. Talk Consent - Effective Education to End Sexual Violence
  6. Prevent News – February 2023
  7. Funpact Transition to Secondary
  8. Independent Review Panel
  9. Youth Achievement Awards 2023

31 January 2023 school staff zone

  1. HR Apprenticeship Week session 
  2. Fulham Palace Sessions for schools
  3. KidZania Allocations 2023
  4. Maths Hub
  5. The Big Build 
  6. February half term activities 
  7. Youth Achievement Awards 2023

24 January 2023 school staff zone

  1. ECT Connect H&F - Spring 2023
  2. FLAIR
  3. Schools Employment Law Conference on 9 March 2023 3.30pm TO 5.30pm at Riverside Studio
  4. Brilliant Parents Triple P parenting workshops
  5. Climate Educators Network meeting for Spring term 2023
  6. Children and Young People’s Mental Health Upcoming Virtual Events from NHS NW London
  7. Power of Representation
  8. Whiteboard Offer
  9. Young London Print Prize
  10. Minecraft Challenge (Schools Reinventing London)

16 January 2023 school staff zone newsletter

  1. Cost of Living Crisis
  2. Sessions Spring Term 2023
  3. Schools Employment Conference – Clare Mapstone
  4. Assessments

9 January 2023 school staff zone newsletter

  1. Maths Hub Chris Cosker
  2. Dementia plus pdf re Alzheimers Society
  3. HR seminar 25.1.23
  4. INSPIRE training Sessions Spring Term 2022 plus supporting PDF
  5. RE Primary Newsletter Spring term 1 plus supporting document
  6. Spitfire project plus supporting PDF document
  7. Schools employment law conference 9 March 2023 
  8. Learning Partnership CPD
  9. Lyric Othello
  10. Mainstream schools budget briefing
  11. School Organisation Review 2022

3 January 2023 school staff zone

  • Spitfire Project plus accompanying PDF
  • Learning Partnership CPD sessions for Spring Term
  • Inspire Spring term plus supporting word document ‘Trainings Spring term’
  • Lyric Hammersmith – Othello CPD session
  • HR online seminar from Clare Mapstone
  • Dementia plus accompanying PDF document
  • 2-3 degrees plus 2 supporting documents

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