If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, they should be transferring to secondary school in September 2025.
The application process for secondary transfer opened on 1 September 2024 and closed on 31 October 2024. The National offer date is 3 March 2025.
Secondary school offers
Offer notifications
On-time applicants who applied online will receive notification of their offer by email from 5pm on Monday 3 March 2025. Paper applicants would receive an email on the same day if they provided an email address. However, paper applicants without an email address will receive their offer notification by post on Tuesday 4 March.
Schools with vacancies
If you're not pleased with the offer made to you, you can check to see where there may be vacancies or short waiting lists at other schools and tell us your preferences. All the secondary schools in Hammersmith & Fulham are either 'Good' or 'Outstanding' including the following which may have vacancies or short-waiting lists:
- Ark Burlington Danes Academy, Wood Lane, London W12 0HR – you can tour this school in the mornings of Thursday 6th and 13th March between 9am and 11am to have a face-to-face meeting with the principal, hear about the fantastic outcomes for students, opportunities for enrichment and the excellent pastoral care provided in the school. Visit Ark Burlington Danes website for more information
- Fulham Cross Academy, Kingwood Road, London SW6 6SN
- Fulham Cross Girls School, Munster Road, London SW6 6BP – visit FCGS website for more information
- Phoenix Academy, The Curve, London W12 0QR – visit Phoenix Academy website for information on what's on offer in this outstanding school
Print, complete and email this form to school.admissions@lbhf.gov.uk. Or you can return it to 145-155 King Street, Hammersmith, W6 9XY.
If you're making further preference for a church school, contact them directly to complete and return their supplementary information form (SIF). You must return the further school preference form to School Admissions.
Late application
The eAdmissions site is open until mid-August for you to register your details and to make a late application for a secondary place in September 2025. If you have any queries about how your application will be considered, speak to the School Admissions team on 020 8753 1085.
Download the eAdmissions application guidance notes (pdf 814KB).
If you submitted a late application, your child will be considered for an offer in the second round of offers from 1 April.
The secondary transfer process
The following documents remain available throughout the secondary transfer process.
Moving on up brochure
The annual Moving on up brochure contains detailed information about the process and the summarised admission criteria for all state schools in Hammersmith & Fulham.
Hints and tips leaflet
Please make use of our hints and tips leaflet.
Appeals for secondary transfer 2025
All secondary schools in Hammersmith & Fulham manage their own admissions and appeals.
Contact the school you want to appeal to for information on how to do this.
View the deadline for making secondary school appeals.
Contact us
020 8753 1085 (9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday)
3rd Floor
145 King Street
W6 9XY
Email us if you have any problems accessing the information in any of the documents on this page.