Determined admission arrangements 2026 to 2027

Any changes to school admission arrangements must be consulted on for at least six weeks before they can be made.

Decisions about admissions for community schools are made by the council. For academies and voluntary aided (church) schools, decisions are made by the governing body. Once a decision has been made the arrangements are considered as 'determined'.

Admission arrangements must be determined by 28 February and published for public viewing by 15 March 2025.

Community schools' determined arrangement

These schools are: Addison, Avonmore, Brackenbury, Flora Gardens, Kenmont, Melcombe, Miles Coverdale, Old Oak, Sir John Lillie, Normand Croft, Wendell Park and Wormholt Park.

Determined arrangements for church schools and academies

Each school's admission arrangement is available on their website. Please follow the links below to view the arrangements. If the policy is not available on their site by the end of March, contact the school direct.

Primary schools

Secondary schools

The pan-London coordinated schemes 2026-27

Applications to all state primary and secondary schools across London and surrounding counties are coordinated by the pan-London admissions system.

Objections or complaint

Any person or body who considers that any maintained school or academy's arrangements are unlawful, or not in compliance with the School Admissions Code or relevant law relating to admissions, can make an objection to the Schools Adjudicator. Further information about how to object to the Schools Adjudicator is available on the GOV.UK website.

The deadline for making objections about 2026-27 arrangements is 15 May 2025.

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