The Virtual School is exactly that – virtual! It is not a building but a group of professionals who work closely with children who are looked after or those with social care support to help them get the best outcomes. It does not replace the school they go to, but is additional support to make sure they are happy, supported and thrive in their education.

In Hammersmith and Fulham, the Virtual School consists of a headteacher, 2 Senior Practitioners, an Advisory Teacher for Children with a Social Worker, 4 teachers, a learning mentor and a Pathways Coordinator. Every young person in care has their own Virtual School Teacher up until they are 18 years old. Any child who has social care support, or has been adopted or under an SGO, can have help from the Advisory Teacher.

They all work closely with the schools that our children go to, social workers and parents or carers to support them in their education and to make sure they are getting any help they need. The Virtual School also help make sure children have access to activities that interest them or that may help with their career plans.

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