Hammersmith & Fulham Family Hubs

Hammersmith and Fulham Family Hubs

Two new family hub launch dates

We would like to invite you to the launch of our second and third family hubs. Free family fun activities, entertainment, refreshments, service information and more. No advanced booking required.

Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre launch event Thursday 18 April 2024

Meet Family Hub Partners and find out about our services. 

Nourish Hub will be delivering cooking demonstrations and practical, hands-on cooking activities for children. 

Lots of fun for kids including T-shirt designing and playdough making. 

Refreshments are also provided throughout the event.

Event starts 

Opening speech by Peter Haylock, Operational Director of Education & SEND

Chelsea FC will be running interactive bingo 

Romeo & Juliet Sensory Story session 

Chelsea FC are hosting a football session in the Multi-Use Game Area. This is free to drop in during the afternoon but it would save some time on the day if you could sign up beforehand. Please follow the link: Chelsea FC Foundation | Soccer Schools and use the course code CFK-TRFH-YI-1 

4.30pm - 5pm
HERE will be running a mindfulness wellbeing session

5.30pm - 6pm
HERE will be running a mindfulness wellbeing session

Event finishes at 6pm. 

Family Hub Tudor Rose community centre, Fulham Court, SW6 5PG

Family Hub Old Oak Community centre launch event Wednesday 24 April 2024

Meet Family Hub Partners and find out about our services. 

Punkey Cooks will be hosting a juicing workshop where you can create your own fresh blend of fruits and vegetables. 

T-shirt designing and Playdough making will be running throughout the event and lots of other fun activities for children. 

Hammersmith Community Garden Association will also be hosting an interactive garden activity. 

Refreshments are also provided throughout the event.

Event starts

Musika Musiko will host a music and dance group

Opening speech by Peter Haylock, Operational Director of Education & SEND

Interactive Drama session

Wiggle Waggle be running a Family Zumba session

Osisi Yoga Workshop focusing on physical movement, community cohesion, and mind-body connection

Event finishes at 6pm.

Family Hub Old Oak community centre, 76 Braybrook Street, W12 0AP

The Family Hub website

The Family Hub website is the new home for the Family Information Service and the Local Offer for SEND (special educational needs and disabilities). It's also where you can find out more about family hubs, what services they offer and where to find your nearest family hub.

The Family Hub

Our first Family Hub at Fulham’s Stephen Wiltshire Centre on Queensmill Road was launched in March 2024. The hub specialises in supporting residents and families with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and is open Monday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm.

Watch our first Family Hub launch video

To contact the hub’s team, email them at stephenwiltshirecentre@lbhf.gov.uk or call 020 8753 4443.

Cllr Alex Sanderson, Cabinet Member for Children and Education, announced the hub’s opening, saying:

The development of Family Hubs is a key manifesto commitment, making it simpler for families to access a wide range of services to ensure they receive the right help at the right time.

“Placing Family Hubs at the centre of our communities means that we are making the lives of our residents easier by bringing council services to the community, instead of expecting the community to come to us.

“Our vision is for every child, every young person, every individual and family to be happy, to be healthy and to have the opportunity to thrive, supported by an effective and compassionate community network.”

The hub is the first of three opening in H&F in 2024. The second and third hubs will be opening in April at:

  • Family Hub Old Oak Community Centre, 76 Braybrook Street, W12 0AP
  • Family Hub Tudor Rose Community Centre, Fulham Court, SW6 5PG.
Cllr Alex Sanderson (left) and Cllr Patricia Quigley (right) help a visitor cut the Family Hub opening ribbon at Fulham’s Stephen Wiltshire Centre

What are Family Hubs?

H&F Family Hubs

H&F’s Family Hubs are a one-stop-shop for resident support services.

We are opening three across the borough to make it easier for you and your family to access the support you need without visiting multiple organisations.

The hubs will also make sure our partners can work together efficiently.

Our hubs are open to all residents and will house services including:

  • help to stop smoking
  • mental health support
  • career support with H&F Works
  • parenting classes
  • help with infant feeding
  • youth clubs
  • exercise classes.

Our family hubs have been co-produced with local organisations Action on Disability, ParentsActive and Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation.

H&F Family Voices

H&F Family Voices will provide users of the Family Hubs the opportunity to meet up, discuss, and feedback on how the Family Hubs are going. This will ensure residents are being listened to and can help to improve our Family Hubs.

If you are a resident and interest in joining Family Voices please email FamilyHubs@lbhf.gov.uk

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