Young Readers Edition for 8 to 12-year-olds
Black Poppies has been a popular Black British history book for many years now, but earlier this year in time for this year's period of mourning, Stephen Bourne released a new edition specifically aimed at younger readers.
"A few years ago, I began to receive requests from school teachers and parents to write a children's version," Stephen explains.
"Publishers in Britain are slow to commission history books that reflect the lives of black Britons. Also, hardly any books about the Tudors, Victorians, Edwardians, and the two World Wars depict any Black people or reflect the culturally diverse societies of these periods in our history. African Americans from history still dominate our history lessons and Black History Month events."
In the book, dedicated chronicler of Black British history, Stephen Bourne, explores the many and extraordinary ways in which Black people helped Britain fight the Great War, on the battlefield and at home in this new illustrated edition of Black Poppies for children.
After meeting Stephen's Aunt Esther – who lived here in the borough – we hear the story of Walter Tull, who led soldiers in some of history's bloodiest battles and died in the fighting just weeks before the conflict would end. Then there is Alhaji Grunshi, an African who fired the first shot of the whole war.
Back at home, Black men and women helped by entertaining the people, making materials like bullets and uniforms, and beginning the long fight for equality and the freedom to celebrate being Black and British with pride.
"I have been writing Black British history books for over thirty years but Black Poppies, has been the most successful. What surprised readers were the stories in the book that showed comradeship between black and white servicemen on the battlefields of the Great War. This did not happen in America where black and white servicemen were segregated."
We hope this new young reader's edition of Black Poppies will help broaden the teachings in our local primary schools to include the diverse and rich history of Black Britons.