Local pool of licence conditions

The following licensing conditions can be applied to different types of premises. They can be used as a guide for applicants, residents, Councillors, agencies and responsible authorities when making, commenting on or considering applications. This list is not exhaustive and should be used as a guide to help promote the four licensing objectives.

Revised: February 2021

Use of beer gardens/external areas

The [front] [rear] [side] outside area shall not be used after [insert times] on [insert days].

There shall be no more than [insert number] people in the [insert area description] at any one time after [insert time].

Customers permitted to temporarily leave, e.g. to smoke and then re-enter, the premises shall not be permitted to take drinks or glass containers with them.

Where customers are permitted to smoke immediately outside the premises, smoking bins/ashtrays/receptacles shall be provided.

Signage shall be prominently displayed advising customers that drinks or glass containers are not permitted outside the premises building / beyond the [front] [rear] [side] outside area.

Alcohol consumed outside the premises building shall only be consumed by patrons seated at tables.

All tables and chairs shall be [made unavailable for use] [removed from the outside area] by [insert time] each day.

The use of the outside area shall be limited to [insert area] belonging to the licence holder and shall not include any part of the public highway.

The outside area shall be separated from the public highway by a screen, rope barrier or other means of demarcation from the public highway.

External lighting for the premises shall be turned off after the premises are closed to the public.

There shall be no regulated entertainment provided in or for the benefit of the outside area.

Signs shall be prominently displayed in the outside area reminding patrons there are residents living nearby and instructing them to respect the neighbours and to conduct their behaviour accordingly.

Door supervisors and door entry policies

A minimum of [insert number] SIA licensed door supervisors shall be on duty at the premises during the hours of [insert times] on [insert days of week].

A minimum of [insert number] SIA door supervisors shall be on duty at the premises from [insert time] until all customers have left the premises and its vicinity [insert days of week].

At least [insert number] female door supervisor shall be provided where door supervisors are used to search female customers.

Where SIA registered door supervisors are used at the premises, a record shall be kept of their SIA registration number and the dates and times when they are on duty.

All door supervisors shall be provided with a radio which allows communication between all members of the door supervisor team and the premises manager.

When door supervisors are on duty, 'Clickers' or other recognised counting devices shall be used. An accurate log of patron numbers shall be maintained by door supervisors.

Where customers are permitted to drink alcohol outside the premises, a minimum of [insert number] registered door supervisors shall be used to monitor and manage those customers from [insert times] on [insert days].

All door supervisors shall wear high visibility vests.

An electronic ID scanner shall be operational and working at all times. If the electronic ID scanner is not operational the Police and the licensing authority will be informed of this fact and a repair timescale shall be provided.

A staff member from the premises that is conversant with the operation of the electronic ID scanner shall be on the premises at all times that the premises are open to the public. This staff member will be able to show Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority that the electronic ID scanner is working correctly.

The Premises shall scan all patrons entering the premises through the electronic ID scanner after [insert times] on [insert days].

The [Licence Holder] [Designated Premises Supervisor] [Manager] shall provide Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority data from the electronic ID scanner with the minimum of delay when requested. This data reproduction shall be almost instantaneous.

UK Driving Licence, Passport and PASS ID Card are the only forms of photographic identification that shall be accepted at the premises for use with the electronic ID scanner.

Policy and procedures for door staff shall be in place around dispersal techniques for customers and procedures for dealing with incidents that occur in or around the vicinity of the premises. These shall be provided to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

The Premises shall operate a dispersal policy and all staff shall be trained in its implementation.

There shall be no admittance or re-admittance to the premises after [insert time].

Any book used for the signing in of members and guests shall be kept on the premises at all times and made available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

A maximum of [insert number] customers shall be permitted on the premises at any one time.


High Definition CCTV shall be installed, operated and maintained, at all times that the premises are open for licensable activities or customers are on the premises and;

  • shall be checked every two weeks to ensure that the system is working properly and that the date and time are correct. A record of these checks, showing the date and name of the person checking, shall be kept and made available to the Police or authorised Council officers on request.
  • at least one camera will show a close-up of the entrance/entrances to the premises, to capture a clear, full length image of anyone entering.
  • shall cover any internal or external area of the premises where licensable activities take place.
  • recordings shall be in real time and stored for a minimum period of 31 days with date and time stamping.
  • footage shall be provided free of charge to the Police or authorised Council officer within 24 hours of a request.
  • a staff member from the premises that is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system shall be on the premises at all times. This staff member will be able to show Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority recent data footage with the minimum of delay when requested. This data or footage reproduction shall be almost instantaneous.

Appropriate signage shall be displayed in prominent positions, informing customers they are being recorded on CCTV.


At least one member of staff on duty whilst this licence is being used shall be trained in the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003 in terms of the licensing objectives, offences committed under the Act and conditions of the Premises Licence. Staff shall sign to confirm that they have received and understood the training. Written records of this training shall be retained and made available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

All staff responsible for selling alcohol shall receive relevant training before making any unsupervised sales. The training shall include:

  • the Licensing Act 2003 in terms of the licensing objectives and offences committed under the Act;
  • the conditions of the Premises Licence;
  • the sale of age-restricted products.

This training will be refreshed at least every six months. Staff shall sign to confirm that they have received and understood the training. Written records of this training shall be retained and made available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

Age-restricted products training shall cover the following steps: the assessment of age; how and when to challenge for proof of age; acceptable proof of age and how to check; and recording refusals.

All staff shall be trained in how to identify drunk or drug impaired customers. This training shall be repeated at least biannually. Staff shall sign to confirm that they have received and understood the training. Written records of this training shall be retained and made available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

All staff shall be trained in how to manage a crime scene and crime scene preservation. This training shall be repeated at least once a year. Staff shall sign to confirm that they have received and understood the training. Written records of this training shall be retained and made available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

Responsible management

The [Licence Holder] [Designated Premises Supervisor] [Manager] shall be a member of any local radio scheme that allows them to be in contact with other venues in the local area.

A daily incident log (electric or paper based) shall be kept at the Premises and made available on request to an authorised officer of the Council or the Police or the Fire Service which shall record the following:

(a) all crimes reported to the venue

(b) all ejection of patrons

(c) any complaints received

(d) any incidents of disorder

(e) seizures of drugs or offensive weapons

(f) any faults in the CCTV system

(g) any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service.

The incident record shall be kept on the premises and be available for inspection by the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority at all times the premises is open.

A record of complaints shall be maintained on the premises to record details of any complaints received. The information to be recorded shall include the date and time of complaint and subsequent remedial action undertaken and (where disclosed) the complainant's name and location.

The record of complaints shall be kept for 12 months from the date of the last record made and shall be available for inspection on demand by the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority at all times the premises are open.

A telephone number for the premises, or a responsible member of staff on duty, shall be displayed so that it is visible from the public highway for members of the public to lodge complaints.

A responsible member of staff shall organise and accommodate meetings to discuss the operation of the premises with residents at least [insert number] times per calendar year. The meeting shall be advertised at least 14 days before its due date by letter to residents and residents' associations in the locality as well as to the Licensing Authority.

A responsible member of staff shall take the minutes of meetings with residents that shall be circulated to all attendees and to the Licensing Authority and copies shall be readily available at the premises on request.

The Premises shall have policy on protecting children from child sexual exploitation. The policy shall include training for all staff on the signs and indications of child sexual exploitation as well as the reporting of suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities.

Appropriate signs/posters shall be displayed in a prominent position highlighting the signs of child sexual exploitation.

The Premises Licence Holder must ensure that any Guidance issued by the Government and the Local Authority is adhered to as far as it impacts upon the Licensing Objectives, provided that the advice is relevant, reasonable and has been bought to the Licence Holders' attention by the Local Authority in writing.

Noise issues

After [insert times] only electric vehicles shall be used for delivery.

An acoustic lobby shall be installed to entrances and/or exits which would otherwise allow the emission of internal noise to neighbouring noise sensitive premises.

A tamper-proof sound limiting device for amplified equipment shall be installed and in operation at the premises, with all amplified equipment played through the device. The device shall be set at a level agreed with the Noise and Nuisance Team.

All external doors and windows shall be kept closed [at all times] after [insert times] during the provision of regulated entertainment, save during access and egress.

External doors shall be fitted with a self-closing device that is maintained in proper working condition, and which shall not be propped open at any time.

A responsible member of staff shall carry out proactive noise assessments outside the premises at the boundary of the nearest residential property at least once an hour during the provision of regulated entertainment and take any necessary remedial action.

A written record of proactive external noise assessments and, where applicable, remedial actions taken shall be kept for a minimum of 31 days from the date of the last entry in the record and this record shall be available for inspection on demand by authorised Council officers at all times the premises are open.

There shall be no stereo / television or other audio equipment speakers mounted on the [walls] [ceiling] of the premises to prevent vibration transmission of sound energy to adjoining properties.

All stereo / television or other audio equipment including wall-mounted and / or free-standing / portable speakers shall be mounted on anti-vibration mountings / pads, as appropriate, to prevent vibration transmission of sound energy to adjoining properties.

Deliveries and collections (including refuse/recycling collections) associated with the premises shall be arranged between the hours of [time] to [time] only. Empty bottles / other glass and non-degradable refuse shall remain in the premises at the end of trading hours and shall not be taken out to the refuse point between the hours of [insert times] and [insert times].

All plant, machinery and any sound insulation equipment shall be correctly installed, operated, maintained and regularly serviced, all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to ensure that it is operating correctly and efficiently so as not to cause a noise nuisance to neighbours.

All ventilation and extraction systems including any sound insulation or odour abatement equipment shall be correctly installed, operated, maintained and regularly serviced, all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, to ensure that they are operating correctly and efficiently so as not to cause an odour or noise nuisance to neighbours.

A Noise Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Noise and Nuisance Team. The plan shall include details relating to the control of noise from patrons entering and leaving the premises as well as controls to ensure that noise from use and activities within the premises does not cause nuisance to neighbours.

A Noise Management Action Plan detailing control measures for anything associated with the event for example (but not necessarily limited to), amplified sound levels at source and the facades of residential properties likely to be affected, stage erection / dismantling times, generator locations and operating levels / times, vehicle movements for each event / function shall be submitted for approval by the Noise and Nuisance Team at least [insert number] days prior to the event.

The approved Noise Management Action Plan shall be implemented and adhered to prior to and during the event.


A responsible member of staff shall carry out proactive litter patrols outside the premises at least [insert times] throughout the premises' opening hours and specifically at the end of trading hours to ensure that there is no litter associated with the premises in the immediate vicinity and any such litter found shall be collected and returned to the premises for disposal with the premises' normal waste / refuse collection.

A written record of proactive external litter patrols shall be kept for a minimum of 31 days from the date of the last entry in the record and this record shall be available for inspection on request by authorised officers of the Licensing Authority at all times the premises are open.

Signs shall be prominently displayed at the exits from the premises asking patrons to dispose of their waste in litter bins.

Selling alcohol

Strong beer (including lager stout, ale etc) and cider above 5.5% ABV shall not be displayed or sold.

Strong beer (including lager, stout, ale etc) and cider above 5.5% ABV shall not be sold except for any brand agreed by a Metropolitan Police Licensing Officer. Any brand agreed by the Metropolitan Police must be removed for sale if the Police give 28 day's written notice to do so. A copy of the most recent agreement will be available for inspection at the premises at all times.

Between the hours of [insert times] alcohol shall only be purchased by customers with a credit or debit card. No cash payments shall be accepted.

Single cans or bottles of beer or cider shall not be sold.

All alcoholic drinks shall be clearly labelled or marked with the name of the premises.

There shall be a minimum of [insert number] personal licence holder(s) on duty on the premises at all times when the premises are authorised to sell alcohol.

A minimum of [insert number] members of staff shall be present at all times whilst the premises remain open for the sale of alcohol.

The Premises shall operate a 'Challenge 25' age-restricted sales policy and promote it through the prominent display of posters.

The Licence Holder shall put arrangements in place to ensure that before serving alcohol or other age-restricted goods to customers they believe to be less than 25 years of age, staff ask to see accredited proof of age: that is, proof of age cards carrying the 'PASS' logo (and no others), a Passport, or UK Driving Licence bearing the photograph and date of birth of the customer.

The Licence Holder shall require staff to note any refusals in a refusals log. The refusals log shall record the date and time of the refusal; the name of the staff member refusing; and the reason for refusal. It must be checked and signed monthly by the designated premises supervisor. The refusals log shall be made available for inspection upon request by the Licensing Team, Police or Trading Standards.

All alcohol kept in the public part of the premises shall be kept in display units.

All display units for alcohol shall have lockable shutters.

Shutters shall be closed and locked at the end of the permitted hours for the sale of alcohol, and shall not be unlocked again whilst the premises is open until the start of the permitted hours on the following day.

All alcohol shall be stored and displayed behind the service counter and not in aisles or other areas accessible to the public.

Any alcohol sold for consumption off the premises shall be sold in a sealed container.

The sale and supply of alcohol on the premises shall be to customers seated at tables by waiter/waitress service.

Alcohol supplied for consumption on the premises shall only be supplied with and be ancillary to food to be consumed on the premises at the same time.

The sale and consumption of alcohol on the premises shall be to customers seated at tables. Vertical drinking shall not be permitted.

Remote sales of alcohol

Alcohol sales shall be made via the website only.

A prominent sign shall be displayed on the website advising customers that they are required to confirm that they are over 18 and that a date of birth shall be required.

Age confirmation shall be requested on the website and checkout will not be possible if the customer confirms they are under 18.

Deliveries shall only be made to persons aged over 18. The delivery shall be signed for and photographic proof of age shall be requested and recorded. International passport and photocard driver's license shall be the accepted proof of age documents.

All parcels shall be labelled stating alcohol is contained and proof of age is required.

Where deliveries of alcohol are made by a third party, a contract shall be in place that states alcohol shall not be delivered to a person under 18 years of age and that age verification checks shall be undertaken for all alcohol deliveries. The contract shall clearly state the responsibilities of the third party in respect of upholding such conditions.

Delivery personnel shall carry with them a refusals book, and any refusals or incidences shall be documented. A refusals record shall be kept at the premises to record details of all refusals to sell alcohol. This record shall contain the date and time of the incident, a description of the customer, the name of the delivery personnel who refused the sale, and the reason the sale was refused. The record shall be made available to police and authorised officers of the Licensing Authority on request The Designated Premises Supervisor shall regularly check the refusals record to ensure it is being consistently used by all staff.

All delivery staff shall be trained in the Proof of Age policy and how to identify acceptable means of identification.

Deliveries shall be made to a building which is used for residential and/or work purposes. Deliveries shall not be made to outdoor spaces.

The premises shall be closed to members of the public after [insert times]. The sale of alcohol to be provided by delivery only.

Drug use

The Premises shall operate a zero tolerance policy to drug use and posters shall be prominently displayed to this effect.

A drugs policy shall be in effect and all staff shall be trained in the implementation of the policy. The policy should be made available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

Toilet cisterns shall be provided with sloping lids or similar to discourage drug use.

Any drugs confiscated from customers shall be stored in a locked and secured container. A log shall be maintained and kept with the drugs container. It will contain details of date/time of finding, whom found by, when deposited, when collected by Police, and signatures of depositor and collector. The Police shall be contacted to empty the box when necessary.

The Premises shall not sell any item that may reasonably be expected to be used for the preparation or consumption of illegal drugs. This will include grinders; pipes and other items commonly used for smoking products other than legal tobacco or herbal products; and nitrous oxide cannisters.

Theft and security including counter terrorism

The Premises shall provide 'chelsea clips' on all tables.

A free cloak room shall operate on [insert days] from [insert times] until the premises is closed. The cloakroom shall be staffed when open.

Notices shall be displayed throughout the premises to advise customers of the potential for thefts.

The Premises shall maintain a lost property record. As a minimum this will include details of type of property, imei numbers of mobile phones, personal details attainable and restoration efforts. This will be available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

All staff working at the premises shall complete the nationally recognised counter terrorism training product referred to as ACT eLearning package within three months from the start of their employment. This training shall be completed at least every 12 months. Staff shall sign to confirm that they have received and understood the training. Written records of this training shall be retained and made available to the Police or authorised officers of the Licensing Authority upon request.

Match day conditions

On days when [insert club] Football Club are playing at home or on days when a [insert club] victory parade takes place there shall be a minimum of [insert number] door supervisors on the premises from 3 hours before the advertised kick off time until three hours after the match has been completed.

On days when [insert club] Football Club are playing at home or on days when a [insert club] victory parade takes place, the premises shall not allow any drinking, or provision of food, in any area outside the premises for three hours before the advertised kick off time until three hours after the match has been completed.

On days when [insert club] Football Club are playing at home or on days when a [insert club] victory parade takes place reusable plastic glasses shall be used for three hours before the advertised kick off time until three hours after the match has been completed.

On days when [insert club] Football Club are playing at home or on days when a [insert club] victory parade takes place, there shall be a minimum of [insert number] personal licence holder(s) on duty from three hours before the advertised kick off until three hours after the match has been completed.

On days when [insert club] football club are playing at home, or a [insert club] victory parade takes place, the premises shall keep all alcohol behind locked shutters from [insert times] hours before the advertised kick off time until [insert times] hours after the match has been completed.

Signs shall be clearly displayed at prominent positions in the premises informing patrons that alcohol is not for sale during [insert club] Football fixtures.

Illicit tobacco & alcohol

Only alcoholic drinks which are detailed on invoices shall be purchased or accepted as part of a 'free' offer. Invoices (or copies) for all alcoholic goods on the premises will be made available to officers from the Council, Police or HMRC upon request.

No alcoholic goods or tobacco products shall be purchased or taken from persons calling to the shop.

The Licensee shall report to Trading Standards any instance of a caller to the shop attempting to sell alcohol or tobacco products within 24 hours.

Super strength beer (ie. that of a strength of 7.5% abv or greater) shall not be sold at less than the verifiable cost of the product to the business and the price of such beers will be clearly displayed to consumers.

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