Street filming

How to get a notice of no objection to film on the streets and a guide for larger film crews.

We want to ensure that filming is safely carried out for your cast, crew as well as the public. We can arrange permission.

Please complete the application to film form. We will assess the application and issue the notice of no objection to film. Notices range in price from £47 to £259 and is dependent on size of crew and equipment used.

If you are likely to be using tracks or anything else on the pavement or road, you must give us at least 10 working days notice and provide a diagram of how you intend to go about your filming (pavement width, camera placing, track placing, lights).

We can normally recommend parking and crew facilities, suspend parking bays or even possibly close roads depending on location and if you give us plenty of notice.

You should not deposit equipment on the street or remove or cover street furniture unless you clear this with us in advance. You should also be prepared to clear the public highway if we or the police ask you to do so. We also ask you not to block public footpaths with vehicles.

Small crews of under five with hand held equipement will usually have no problem using pavements to film, as long as they are not obstructing other pedestrians or causing any other health and safety hazard. Pavements must have at least 1.5 metres for pedestrians to get past a film crew.

Guidance for large film crews

Larger crews using genie booms, cranes, cherry pickers, scaffolding and any type of hoarding must apply for a permit with 10 working days notice.

Filming requirements for large film crews (pdf 191KB)

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