Energy efficiency grants for SMEs

Apply for a grant to help your organisation implement measures that will improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

Round two now open

Apply for a grant to help your organisation implement measures that will improve energy efficiency and reduce energy bills and carbon emissions. 

As part of our work to deliver net zero carbon emissions by 2030, we are committed to supporting local organisations to take action to lessen their impact on the climate.

Becoming more energy efficient enables businesses to deliver climate action whilst also reducing their own energy costs.

What are these grants for?  

These grants are to help improve the energy efficiency of business premises in Hammersmith & Fulham.

Grants of up to £1,000 are available for smaller measures such as LED lightbulbs and draughtproofing and grants of up to £5,000 are available for larger measures such as replacing a boiler with a heat pump or installing double glazing.

Can my organisation apply for a grant?

You can apply for a grant if your business meets the following criteria:  

  • fulfils the UK Government’s definition of an SME
  • has a physical business presence in Hammersmith & Fulham – this does not include businesses run out of someone’s home
  • is a trading business
  • has consent, permission and approval from the landlord to carry out retrofit work at the premises.

What energy efficiency measures are covered?

Applicable measures include:  

  • heat pumps
  • window glazing
  • internal and external wall insulation
  • cavity wall insulation
  • roof repairs and loft insulation
  • floor insulation
  • draught-proofing
  • damp remedial works
  • replacement LED lighting.

Additional measures may be considered subject to approval. 

Further information on the types of measures different sectors can implement to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions can be found at the UK Business Climate Hub.

What do I need to do to apply?

Apply for the Energy Efficiency Grant

The funding requested should account for up to 50% of the total cost of the measures, the remaining costs should be match-funded by the business and/or your landlord.

Grant conditions

Applications supported by an energy efficiency audit, demonstrating the relevance of specific energy efficiency measures are encouraged.  

Organisations are required to utilise the funds for energy efficiency measures within 6 months of receipt or returned to Hammersmith & Fulham Council.  

Any significant delays to the start of works should be flagged to H&F Council officers. 

Receipt of the grant will be subject to an H&F Council officer visiting the premises in question to assess the modifications that are planned.  

All grant recipients should expect to be visited by a council officer once the modifications have taken place and, by receiving the grant, agree to being profiled as an energy efficiency case study by H&F Council.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss your grant application, or you would like to find out more about energy efficiency support, email 

Published 22 May 2024

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