A blog of two halves

Hammersmith & Fulham is home to 3 major football clubs: Chelsea, Fulham and Queens Park Rangers. Follow the ups and downs of the clubs as told by local fans.

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‘We scored a penalty’ was the chant

Morgan Phillips

It is hard to credit that almost 30 years have passed since the Freight Rovers Cup tie between Aldershot and Fulham, which ended in a penalty shoot-out requiring no fewer than 28 spot-kicks.

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Do Fulham have the Federer factor?

Morgan Phillips

At the end of November I summed up the Sheffield Wednesday and Brighton matches by writing that ‘Fulham played some good football but lapses of concentration and the lack of a regular goal scorer have undermined the performances’.
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Farewell to Jean Lawler

Morgan Phillips

In the summer of 1954 I watched Fulham defender Robin Lawler and his new bride, Jean, proudly emerge from St Augustine’s RC Church.
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Jokanovic can feel happy with seven points from nine

Morgan Phillips

I summed up the Sheffield Wednesday and Brighton matches by writing that ‘Fulham played some good football but lapses of concentration and the lack of a regular goal scorer have undermined the performances’.

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