A blog of two halves

Hammersmith & Fulham is home to 3 major football clubs: Chelsea, Fulham and Queens Park Rangers. Follow the ups and downs of the clubs as told by local fans.

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Some good moments but little joy

Morgan Phillips

Throughout thus relegation-haunted season the crowds have shown sympathy and support for the Fulham players, who seemed overwhelmed by the demands of the Premier League.
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Super Scotty Parker

Morgan Phillips

The first Saturday in May 2016 marked the conclusion of Fulham’s second season in the Championship.

Miracles can happen

Morgan Phillips

After a fortnight’s break Fulham showed a marginal improvement against West Ham but the outcome brought further disappointment.
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Cometh the hour

Morgan Phillips

Not so long ago, before a crucial international fixture, the Telegraph sport section devoted its front page to a huge picture of Wayne Rooney with just three words of text: ‘Cometh the hour’.
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The Ranelagh connection

Morgan Phillips

William Reginald Herbert is not someone that you would expect to find mentioned in this blog.

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